
shenzhen tycoons have tasted the sweetness of monster stocks


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author: guo ruyi

source: business people

the "monster stock" shenzhen huaqiang has hit the limit down again.

if we talk about the most powerful a-share in the past month, it must be this listed company. how powerful is it? from august 15, in the following 17 trading days, it has risen by 16 daily limits, and the stock price has risen by as much as 370%.

the market is so weak that a daily limit is a luxury. shenzhen huaqiang's performance is enviable.

until the close of last friday, this stock was in the limelight. however, in the two trading days this week, shenzhen huaqiang fell to the limit for two consecutive days, showing a trend of stalling.

what could be more exciting than this?

shenzhen huaqiang's main business is the authorized distribution of electronic components, and its headquarters is located in the famous shenzhen huaqiang north. in fact, the origin of the place name huaqiang north is directly related to this company. how did this wave of market surge so suddenly for such a company with such a story?

looking back now, things may not be that simple.

first, on august 1, shenzhen huaqiang's secretary said in an interview, "the company is the authorized agent of hisilicon's full range of products and has established a long-term and stable cooperative relationship with the other party." as we all know, hisilicon is a well-known subsidiary of huawei, mainly engaged in semiconductor device design. after this statement, shenzhen huaqiang's stock price did not take off immediately, but on august 15, the script of the daily limit was suddenly staged, and it was impossible to stop it.

after several daily limit increases, shenzhen huaqiang came out again to reaffirm its cooperative relationship with hisilicon. on august 21, shenzhen huaqiang continued to say that it would participate in the hisilicon all-connect conference in september and would specifically invite customers to participate in the conference.

these statements were undoubtedly catalysts, and shenzhen huaqiang became the "most powerful hisilicon concept stock", with its share price skyrocketing.

shenzhen huaqiang emphasizes its relationship with hisilicon so much, which shows that it knows how to seize the opportunity.

as early as 2016, huawei held its first all connect conference, and it has been held for 8 sessions so far. this conference has always been regarded as an opportunity to observe huawei's latest technological trends and is very famous in the industry. the hisilicon all connect conference was held for the first time this year and should be the largest occasion to showcase hisilicon's technological achievements.

hisilicon was once well-known for its kirin chips, but it has been very low-key in recent years. this all connect conference should be a high-profile return after years of dormancy, so it naturally attracted a lot of attention.

what is quite strange is that according to previous news, the hisilicon all connect conference was originally scheduled to be held on september 9, but there was no relevant news on that day. some media later verified that the conference seemed to have been postponed, and the specific time was unknown.

the atmosphere has been building up for so long that the conference may not be held. no wonder shenzhen huaqiang's stock price plummeted.

in the a-share market, it is difficult to become a hot bull stock if there is only performance but no concept; and if there is only concept but no performance, the foundation is not solid. in terms of performance, shenzhen huaqiang's performance cannot support this round of surge - its net profit was halved last year, and in the first half of this year, its net profit fell by 30% year-on-year. if it had not actively built the hisilicon concept, it would be hard to imagine that it could become a big bull stock that topped the stock market.

from the rapid rise to the sharp fall, in addition to the stock investors who followed the roller coaster ride, there should be another person who felt the excitement - liang guangwei, the actual controller of shenzhen huaqiang. as of the 2024 interim report, shenzhen huaqiang's largest shareholder is huaqiang group, which holds 39.2% of the shares. the helmsman of huaqiang group is liang guangwei.

liang guangwei is 61 years old this year and was born in linhai, zhejiang. he was a construction engineer who went south to shenzhen. later, he was admitted to shenzhen university and joined a company under huaqiang group after graduation. after a lot of hard work, liang guangwei became the president in 2000. huaqiang group has a long history. it was originally a state-owned enterprise. after the management mbo in 2003, the company was restructured into a private enterprise. liang guangwei's identity gradually became boss liang and he became a frequent visitor to the billionaire list.

as the listing platform of huaqiang group, shenzhen huaqiang plays a key role in its capital operation. however, the main business of shenzhen huaqiang has changed several times.

after the restructuring, shenzhen huaqiang first acquired related assets from huaqiang group and entered the field of color tv. this was related to the fact that huaqiang group had been engaged in this business in the early years. however, compared with the 1980s and 1990s, when shenzhen huaqiang was engaged in color tv again, the situation took a sharp turn for the worse. as a last resort, it had to transform.

around 2008, shenzhen huaqiang sold its color tv assets to huaqiang group, and acquired commercial real estate resources from the latter, thus transforming into the commercial real estate field. but it didn't last too long. in 2014, liang guangwei decided that shenzhen huaqiang would transform again and enter the semiconductor industry. since then, shenzhen huaqiang has carried out a wave of intensive acquisitions, mainly equity in electronic component companies. its relationship with hisilicon was also due to an acquisition in 2017. that year, shenzhen huaqiang spent 400 million to acquire 60% of the equity of shenzhen qinuo technology co., ltd., which was an important agent and distributor of hisilicon.

from the perspective of industry prospects, semiconductors are an emerging industry with much greater room for imagination than color tvs and commercial real estate. boss liang's transformation has finally caught the right vent.

at present, the entire huaqiang group is very large, and is even known as the "huaqiang group". in addition to shenzhen huaqiang, liang guangwei also owns a new third board company - huaqiang fangte. yes, it is the company that built the fangte theme park. the most famous ip of this company is the "boonie bears" series. the only drawback is that liang guangwei has tried many times to get huaqiang fangte listed on the main board, but has not succeeded so far.

in the past month, liang guangwei has enjoyed the sweetness of hisilicon's concept. the question is how long this trend can last. similar to shenzhen huaqiang, there is another stock recently - dazhong transportation, which is known as the "most powerful stock in july". dazhong transportation's performance in the first half of the year was also poor, with a year-on-year decline of 45% in net profit. however, with the popularity of the driverless concept in july, the long-slumping stock price continued to soar.

but today, volkswagen transportation also announced a limit down.

it rises quickly and falls too quickly.