
low-altitude multi-modal technology integration solution promotes "model" experts suggest building a "safety base"


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china news service, beijing, september 10 (wang xin, zhang su) based on "5g-a+tdoa", an end-to-end low-altitude security solution is formed to realize a smart city low-altitude sensing network with comprehensive and continuous coverage of urban areas (high-rise buildings, government affairs, olympic sports, etc.)...

this is a model of the low-altitude multimodal technology fusion solution recently launched in hefei, anhui province. it is also the initial application of the "tdoa smart city low-altitude perception network" solution.

the 2024 low-altitude economic development conference was held in anhui from september 6 to 8. the picture shows the low-altitude safety development report meeting held during the conference. photo courtesy of shanghai tejin

"for the construction of the low-altitude perception network, based on the tdoa (time difference alignment) radio detection and positioning technology, the basic grid unit of the low-altitude perception network is formed, which is unmanned 24 hours a day to realize the perception and monitoring of drones, ensure the orderly and safe movement of legal drones, and timely identify and control "illegal" drones, so as to ensure low-altitude safety." a relevant person in charge from shanghai tejin introduced during his speech during the 2024 low-altitude economic development conference.

in recent years, with the opening of low-altitude airspace and the explosive growth in the number and application of low-altitude aircraft, local management departments have an increasingly urgent demand for drone supervision.

"the key to the healthy development of the low-altitude economy lies in creating a 'safety base' consisting of a safety management system, a policy and system system, and a technical guarantee system," said sun yongsheng, director of the low-altitude safety research center of the people's public security university of china.

experts pointed out that the safe and orderly development of the low-altitude economy is inseparable from the construction of low-altitude infrastructure. to consolidate the "safety base" of the low-altitude economy, a multi-pronged approach is needed, including building a solid low-altitude perception network, that is, building a "low-altitude monitoring network" covering the sky above the city to achieve accurate identification and real-time tracking of drones.

this "model" was launched by china mobile in cooperation with industry ecosystem partners such as shanghai tejin. at the 2024 low-altitude economic development conference, li huidi, deputy general manager of china mobile, said that to help the low-altitude economy flourish, it is necessary to accelerate the improvement of policies and regulations, promote the research and development of core technologies, and strengthen industrial ecosystem cooperation. he specifically mentioned that the existing advantages of "network, calculation, data, and intelligence" will be fully utilized to tackle high-performance, low-cost innovative technologies for communication, sensing, guidance, and management, laying the foundation for the efficient construction of low-altitude intelligent network infrastructure.

the exhibition has exhibited the latest achievements in low-altitude economic innovation and application, such as low-altitude safety equipment, drone logistics and delivery equipment, and new low-altitude intelligent connection technologies. industry insiders said that the next step is to continue to accumulate grid-based radio sensing underlying technology, enhance domestic independent research and development and innovation capabilities, build a solid low-altitude sensing network, and continue to escort the development of the low-altitude economy. (end)
