
beijing chaoyang hospital of integrated traditional chinese and western medicine went to papua new guinea to carry out free tcm consultation activities


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from august 23 to 29, 2024, a chinese medicine exchange delegation consisting of 8 people from the world federation of chinese medicine societies and beijing chaoyang hospital of integrated traditional chinese and western medicine went to papua new guinea (hereinafter referred to as png) and successfully carried out free chinese medicine clinics, bringing health to more than 500 local people.

at the event, the tcm medical team not only provided local people with tcm diagnosis and treatment services such as acupuncture, massage, and pulse diagnosis, and issued tcm prescriptions, but also provided chinese patent medicines free of charge based on the patients' conditions, allowing the people of papua new guinea to personally experience the unique charm and treatment effects of tcm.

local residents said that they had never been exposed to traditional chinese medicine before. during this free clinic, they witnessed and felt the miraculous curative effect of traditional chinese medicine. a local resident said excitedly: "i have been on crutches for many years. after acupuncture treatment by a traditional chinese medicine doctor, i no longer need crutches and can walk freely. i hope that more chinese traditional chinese medicine doctors will come here in the future to bring us health and happiness."

"this free clinic is not only a loving journey of overseas tcm free clinic, but also an opportunity to exchange and spread traditional chinese medicine culture. through tcm diagnosis and treatment services, we can let the people of papua new guinea understand, accept and benefit from tcm." said liu haibin, president of beijing chaoyang hospital of integrated traditional chinese and western medicine.

the free clinic was held at the same time as the 53rd pacific island countries summit. jack liu of the png rural medical association said in a video link with cgtn that the beijing chaoyang hospital of integrated chinese and western medicine went to png to conduct free tcm clinics, which played the unique advantages of integrated chinese and western medicine treatment and provided comprehensive and accurate medical services to local people. in the future, the png rural medical association will cooperate with the world federation of chinese medicine societies and beijing chaoyang hospital of integrated chinese and western medicine to train skilled tcm talents and promote tcm in png. it is believed that with the widespread participation of local people, tcm will become more popular in png, thus further strengthening the ties between china and pacific island countries.

sun qi from the world federation of chinese medicine societies said that chinese medicine, as a treasure of china's excellent traditional culture, has a long history and cultural heritage. papua new guinea's medical conditions are relatively backward, and introducing chinese medicine to papua new guinea can benefit more people in papua new guinea. in the next step, the world federation of chinese medicine societies will promote the "rural doctor" training project in papua new guinea, cultivate local chinese medicine skilled talents, and improve the level of chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment in papua new guinea.

during the event, the tcm exchange delegation of beijing chaoyang hospital of integrated traditional chinese and western medicine visited the 13th chinese medical aid team to papua new guinea, had in-depth exchanges with the members of the medical team, expressed their sincere greetings and high respect to them, and jointly contributed chinese strength to the medical cause of papua new guinea. on august 27, the delegation visited the chinese company guangdong construction engineering foreign construction papua new guinea company and provided tcm diagnosis and treatment services to the company's employees. both sides assumed their respective responsibilities and missions in terms of medical health and engineering construction, demonstrating "china's responsibility".

(source: beijing chaoyang hospital of integrated traditional chinese and western medicine)