
the current situation of 52-year-old athena chu: living in a dilapidated house in the mountains, driving a 20,000 yuan broken car, but she says she is very happy to be married to him!


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the relationship that made stephen chow the most regrettable was definitely with fairy zixia.

zhu yin has become the "white moonlight" in the hearts of countless people thanks to her role as fairy zixia.

but what no one expected was that the fairy actually came down to earth and married an "ugly man".

it would be fine if it was true love, but why did they let the fairy live in a shabby house after marriage, causing her quality of life to drop directly?

is it really true that love is enough to satisfy one’s hunger?

heartbroken by a scumbag

in the ending of "a chinese odyssey", sun wukong did not choose to be with fairy zixia, but instead put on the golden hoop and began to head towards the west. the lovers did not end up becoming a couple.

in reality, stephen chow also missed athena chu, and the couple ultimately failed to escape the test of loyalty.

just like the characters they played, they ended up becoming strangers.

however, although this relationship is unforgettable, it is just a small episode in the long life of the two people.

now stephen chow has achieved success and become a famous director, and athena chu has also found her own happiness and is living a happy life after retiring from the entertainment industry.

in fact, athena chu and stephen chow had developed a liking for each other as early as their first collaboration in "fight back to school 2".

later, the two naturally became lovers. although stephen chow has always refused to make their relationship public, it has almost become a common knowledge in the circle.

at that time, athena chu was obviously very naive. although many companies wanted to sign a contract with her, she gave up various favorable conditions and joined stephen chow's "small workshop", willing to start a business with her boyfriend.

the reason why she was able to play the role of fairy zixia was because she got the opportunity through self-recommendation.

facts have proved that the director's choice was correct. the fairy zixia played by athena chu is not only an indispensable part of the movie, but also a classic character that no one can surpass.

the filming progressed slowly, and although there were occasional setbacks, it was still going smoothly.

however, athena chu's relationship was not going well, and she soon discovered that stephen chow was not loyal to them.

this truth brought her great pain.

however, as an actress, in order not to affect the filming progress of the crew, she did not make any noise to affect the progress of the crew, but just digested the pain of being betrayed alone.

after she left him, she had several relationships, but she never met the right person and was hurt instead.

it was not until she met paul wong that she was finally healed by him and let go of the hurt in the past.

however, the family conditions of the two are unequal.

rich girl "marries" poor boy

born in a merchant family, athena chu is the second child in the family, with an older sister who is ten years older than her.

as the youngest child in the family, she has been spoiled since childhood.

she never had to worry about financial problems, and after discovering her interest in acting, she naturally chose to become an actor.

obviously, later facts proved that her choice was not wrong. after graduating from school, several of her works achieved high scores.

apart from occasional emotional setbacks, her life is simply like that of a princess.

but her current boyfriend, paul wong, is not as lucky as her.

huang guanzhong's father was just a construction worker. a family of five depended on his salary to live, and the burden of supporting the family fell on him alone.

the daily heavy physical work consumed his life and tortured his spirit.

an uneducated father can only vent his emotions with his fists.

so whenever he is unhappy, his wife and three children become his punching bags.

after their mother couldn't bear it anymore and chose to divorce, the three brothers were left undisciplined and learned to smoke and drink at an early age.

but even though his life was very chaotic, he managed to finish his book.

later, by chance, he joined the beyond band and began his development in rock music.

his encounter with athena chu started with his puppy, but it wasn't all her puppy.

when the band performed at athena chu's school, paul wong fell in love with her at first sight.

but he did not disturb the other person abruptly, but left hurriedly after the performance.

what she didn't know was that athena chu was actually very interested in the guitarist on the stage.

perhaps it was fate that the two became neighbors many years later.

one day, huang guanzhong discovered that his dog was missing, and he quickly posted notices everywhere to find the dog.

coincidentally, the dog was picked up by athena chu.

it seemed as if cupid possessed the puppy, allowing them to rekindle their past relationship.

although the relationship between the neighbors began to become close, huang guanzhong, whose career had reached a stagnation stage, did not dare to pursue the other party due to his low self-esteem.

after all, fairy zixia was very popular at that time, so how could she be interested in a poor boy like him?

but he still couldn't bear to give up his feelings. when athena chu was about to move, he plucked up the courage to ask the girl he liked to go shopping with him.

unexpectedly, it was this outing that exposed them to the media.

faced with media questioning, he finally did not hide his feelings and said that he was pursuing athena chu.

he never expected that it was just this one sentence that would allow him to win the beauty.

except for themselves, the media were not optimistic about their union.

he even used sharp words to describe athena chu as "marrying down".

however, paul wong spoiled athena chu like a princess through his actions.

after experiencing several scumbags, athena chu finally experienced the feeling of love between normal people.

their relationship lasted for more than ten years, and finally they got married after their daughter huang ying was born.

at this point, fairy zixia finally found her peerless hero, and huang guanzhong also married the zixia of his dreams.

now their family of three lives in a small house deep in the mountains.

although the place is not big, it was actually carefully selected by paul wong for his wife so that athena chu can raise a dog.

although the family's life seems poor, they have actually returned to nature and live a comfortable life in nature.