
ko wen-je gives up his appeal after being detained, chiu yi suggests he go on hunger strike


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taiwan people's party chairman ko wen-je was detained for the jinghuacheng case, and he decided not to appeal. in response, taichung city government advisor tsai bi-ru said on the 9th that this was in line with ko's personality. former legislator chiu yi suggested that ko should start a hunger strike now to express his determination to fight against judicial injustice.

tsai bi-ru said that ko wen-je did not file an appeal because that is his personality. the time in there should be two months at the latest four months. the central party headquarters of the people's party has also decided to set up an emergency response team. during this transition period, it depends on whether the people's party can be reborn from a one-person party, whether it can become a collective leadership, or what it will become. these two or three months are critical. no matter what, we should do it first and make corrections after it is done.

cai bi-ru said that without a chairman, the people's party would be in disarray because ko wen-je was too serious in the past and would hold meetings at 7:30 in the morning. now that he is gone, will the entire party be lax? from a few perspectives, this session of the taiwan public opinion agency is a budget session, which is very important. we also expect these eight representatives to be able to show their strength, because they have also gone through a session. maybe everyone is less familiar with the first session, but after a session, they should show their strength and show it to ko wen-je and the people of taiwan. let everyone know that without ko wen-je, these eight non-district representatives are also full of strength.

regarding ko wen-je's decision not to appeal, chiu yi analyzed that there are three possibilities. one is that the appeals filed by other detainees were rejected, so he decided to give up; the second is that he was too naive and thought he would only be detained for two months, but he believed that ko would be detained for at least four months; the third is that the prosecutors may have sent him a signal that if he appealed, they would cause trouble for his wife chen pei-chi, so ko compromised.

chiu yi emphasized that if ko wen-je has the courage, he should start a hunger strike now to express his determination to fight judicial injustice. if he chooses to protest peacefully or silently, as time goes on, the enthusiasm of his supporters will fade and ko will really become silent.

lin jingxian, taiwan correspondent of strait herald