
62-year-old andy lau accidentally stepped on air and fell during a concert, causing a scratch on his hand and bleeding. after being injured, he smiled and apologized to the fans


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on september 9, andy lau encountered an accident during the last show of his tour in shenzhen. he accidentally fell on the stage and injured his hand.

at present, andy lau has received treatment, and the team and staff have handled the situation properly.

towards the middle and late stages of his concert tour, andy lau sang the song "it's not a sin for a man to cry" affectionately on the stage.

he walked and sang on the right side of the stage, holding the microphone and interacting with the fans in the audience.

as he walked to the left side of the stage, an accident suddenly happened.

andy lau was so absorbed in singing that he forgot that there was a square hole on the ground at the edge of the stage left by the stage lift. as andy passed by the square hole, he accidentally stepped on empty space and suddenly fell down.

andy lau lost his balance in an instant and fell heavily at the edge of the square hole. fortunately, he reacted quickly and fell at the edge of the hole accidentally. he quickly supported his body with both hands after falling, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

after realizing that he had fallen, andy lau reacted quickly, lying on the ground and making a cute expression.

according to netizens sitting in the backstage, after andy lau fell, he stood up and his leg was not scratched or twisted. but after he stood up, he checked his left hand and found that it was slightly scratched and bleeding.

andy lau stood up and wrapped his finger with a towel. fortunately, the bleeding was not serious.

looking back at the whole process of andy lau's injury, he accidentally stepped on the edge of the lifting square hole during the performance, and as a result he lost his balance and fell to the ground.

fortunately, andy's body did not fall completely. fortunately, he reacted quickly, otherwise the consequences would be very serious.

the square hole is several meters from the ground. if he falls into the mechanical lifting black hole, he will probably be seriously injured.

after the incident, andy lau comforted his fans on the spot and apologized to his fans and friends: "i promised everyone to be safe. i'm sorry, i will be scolded when i get home."

as early as july 6th at the shanghai concert, andy lau almost had an accident due to dangerous actions.

at that time, he slipped on the stage and almost fell off the stage.

afterwards, andy lau said he was sorry for doing a very dangerous move yesterday. he did not expect it to be so slippery and was scared. he also said he would take good care of himself and would not do such high-risk performances again.