
sharp comment: after cranes and refrigerators, agricultural drones have also become "spies"


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recently, more than a dozen u.s. congressmen have had their minds blown, sent a letter to the biden administration. they accused the use of chinese-made agricultural drones of posing so-called "national security risks" and asked the biden administration to provide a briefing on the situation before september 30.

china and the united states have a lot of basic cooperation in the field of agricultural science and technology. data shows that since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, more than 2,100 american agricultural scientists have visited china, and more than 2,100 chinese scientists have visited american farms and come today, agricultural drones that are used to spray pesticides and water are considered a "threat" to us national security? their imagination is that these drones may collect and analyze crop data that is "invisible to the naked eye" and "obtain vital agricultural production technology." even more outrageous is that they "may be manipulated to launch attacks in the united states."

all of the above is so imaginative that it is no wonder that some media lamented that "they really have no material to hype up the 'china threat'."in recent years, western politicians and some media seem to have fallen into some kind of obsession, holding the "anti-china" hammer and seeing everything as a "nail".chinese drones are "risky", chinese magnets on us fighter jets are "unsafe", and even cranes and refrigerators have become "spies". sometimes they claim that china has bought up all the agricultural land in the united states, and sometimes they accuse china of "stealing" the genetically modified seeds of the united states, making waves out of nothing. last year, the united states was so frightened by a mere weather balloon that it used fighter jets to launch missiles costing hundreds of thousands of dollars to shoot it down, making the world laugh.

interestingly, behind all these farces are familiar figures, and those who are jumping up and down are none other than the anti-china vanguard. taking the agricultural drone "threat" as an example, they include ellis stefanik, ashley hinson and john molenaar, chairman of the "special committee on china". this so-called "special committee on china" is even more notorious. since its establishment in 2023 under the leadership of then-republican house speaker mccarthy, it has been constantly hyping up the so-called "china threat theory."

they adopt an aggressive and worried attitude, claiming, for example, that the competition between china and the united states is "an existential struggle over what life will be like in the 21st century" and "we must act with a sense of urgency."however, perhaps because they were too anxious, they became overly excited whenever they encountered affairs related to china, exaggerating and confusing right and wrong, and in the end even forgot basic common sense.this not only exposes their iq, but also their "calculation". some netizens sharply complained that low-iq politicians regard this as a shortcut to gain political capital. now that the struggle between the two parties in the country is polarized and ugly, the people are fed up with "electing the worst of the worst". they hope to show a tough stance on china, divert voters' dissatisfaction with the domestic political situation, and at the same time make some presence and boost their own vote support.

in essence, this is a political game in the name of safeguarding american interests. politicians constantly push the bottom line and pursue their own political interests, which harms the benefits of cooperation between the two countries, and in the end, ordinary people pay the price.for example, regarding agricultural drones, 3.7 million acres of land in 41 states of the united states were sprayed in 2023, covering 50 crops, most of which were chinese drones. low-intelligence politicians are fooling around with their words, and american farmers may only have a choice between "high price" and "poor quality". for this reason, a large number of loyal users of chinese drones in the united states have launched protests. a report in the wall street journal in august pointed out that the attempt of american politicians to ban chinese-made drones is being resisted by domestic mountain rescue teams, police stations, farmers and other parties.

it is unknown to what extent this group of anti-china vanguards will disrupt american society. but what is certain is that the world is developing rapidly.basic common sense cannot be confused, and basic laws cannot be violated.insisting on going against the current and going crazy in the "cold war" mentality will only make the world a laughing stock and leave you far behind the train of development of the times.

source beijing daily client | commentator tian wenzhi

edited by chao xing

process editor: ma xiaoshuang
