
enjoying learning and being good at success, marking the "new height of finance" in furong country - the third in the series of reviews of "golden furong fund"


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wong wai-sun
government-guided funds are not "venture capital" but "industrial investment", not "gambling" but "struggle". managing government-guided funds requires not only high professional capabilities but also profound strategic judgment. learning happily and being good at success are the keys to strengthening and improving this financial industry.
at present, the establishment of government industry investment guidance funds oriented towards the real economy and the expansion of direct financing scale and proportion have been raised to an unprecedented height. reform measures such as the science and technology innovation board, the registration system and listed companies' refinancing have provided convenience for better use of capital market financing. industry experts generally believe that direct financing, especially capital markets and equity investment funds, best matches the needs of science and technology innovation enterprises, especially those in the early stages of establishment.
looking across the country, direct financing resources are more concentrated in economically developed regions. in other words, direct financing has a long way to go to maximize its role in promoting industrial development and transformation and upgrading in other regions. in 2023, hunan's social financing scale will increase by 1,130.9 billion yuan, of which indirect financing will increase by 667.8 billion yuan and direct financing will increase by 106.6 billion yuan; in the first half of this year, indirect financing will increase by 429.66 billion yuan and direct financing will increase by 15.27 billion yuan. obviously, our province has made significant progress in attracting and utilizing direct financing, but there is still much room for improvement, both in terms of tapping its own potential and in comparison with other provinces and cities.
learn from developed regions, move forward steadily, and plan for the future. as an international financial center, shanghai is favored by equity investment funds. as of the end of june 2024, shanghai has 4,122 venture capital fund products with a management scale of 634.1 billion yuan, ranking first in the country. at the end of july, around the government investment fund, shanghai announced the establishment of three leading industry mother funds and future industry funds with a total scale of 100 billion yuan; issued "several opinions on further promoting the high-quality development of venture capital in shanghai" to expand financing channels in all directions.
learn from brother provinces and provide diversified support. sharing risks and moving forward under pressure are also the debut moves of state-owned guidance funds entering the market. hefei, anhui province, has successfully cultivated and expanded local display devices, new energy vehicles and other industries by investing in companies such as boe and nio, driving many local governments to increase their "direct investment" efforts, forming the "hefei model" of operating industrial investment funds through state-owned capital platforms and directly investing in strategic industries.
the establishment of the golden hibiscus fund plays a vital fundamental and strategic role in hunan's industrial transformation and upgrading, scientific and technological achievements transformation, and direct financing of enterprises. the entry of a government-guided fund of 300 billion yuan will open up greater space for direct financing of enterprises and industries, and provide a more powerful financial engine for realizing the beautiful blueprint of "three highs and four new".
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