
academician wang hualin: resource recycling will be realized sooner or later, and hydrogen is the main carrier


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as an important material basis for human survival and development, low-carbon energy development is related to the future of mankind.
at the green and low-carbon innovation forum of the 2024 pujiang innovation forum held on september 9, with the theme of "scientific and technological innovation shaping a new pattern of the future energy industry", people from all walks of life focused on discussing the development path of future energy.
wang hualin, academician of the chinese academy of engineering, deputy secretary of the party committee and dean of the school of resources and environmental engineering of east china university of science and technology, shared the new requirements, new paths and new practices of green and low-carbon design on the spot.
he believes that from the perspective of the economic growth cycle of nearly 300 years, we have now entered the sixth wave of economic growth cycle. in the sixth wave of economic growth, there are two main wheels, namely greening and digitalization. "however, the growth speeds of these two wheels are different. digitalization develops faster, while greening develops slower. greening has also become the weakest link in the growth of the entire economic and social development." however, in a few decades or even half a century, "greening will become a more promising and more promising technology."
wang hualin suggested that from the perspective of climate change indicators, in addition to climate change, we should also pay attention to new pollutants, the flow of geochemical substances, etc., and focus on their research.
specifically, china is promoting emission reduction in the petrochemical industry in three stages, namely, halving, halving, and halving again. at present, from 2005 to 2020, my country has completed the first halving. "it is estimated that the next step will be more important, and the reduction may be faster during the stage of strengthening economic development."
in his view, digitalization and greening are two-way marches, and people use greening means and methods to reduce pollutant consumption in the digitalization process. at the same time, digitalization methods are used to reduce energy consumption and pollutant emissions in the greening process.
china is currently taking a green and low-carbon path, which mainly adopts three methods: raw material substitution, process substitution, and fuel substitution. as for raw material substitution, he put the pollutants emitted from the earth in the past 300 years into time and space coordinates for analysis. he said that very scattered and short-lived waste is difficult to recycle, while pollutants such as steel and plastics remain for a long time. "the annual corrosion rate of steel is only 3%, and chemical fiber is similar, so resource recycling will be realized sooner or later."
he proposed that these pollutants should be directly converted into strategic resources, with hydrogen as the main carrier and electricity as the second. only through the combination of electricity and hydrogen can pollutants be converted into raw materials needed by humans. of course, pollutants will still be produced during the production of raw materials, but these pollutants will be less and the conversion between them can continue. therefore, in the future, hydrogenation and electricity conversion will become one of the main technologies in green and low-carbon technologies.
in practice, wang hualin shared that east china university of science and technology is mainly conducting research on the two lines of from carbon and hydrogen to carbon dioxide, and carbon dioxide to carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. in the future, it will focus on how carbon dioxide is converted into aviation fuel and fuel oil, and how biomass is converted into fuels such as oil and natural gas through deoxygenation. the combination of the two is one of the important tasks of current scientific and technological innovation.
(this article comes from china business network)