
hong kong media: saudi minister says "open to" new ideas including using rmb in cross-border crude oil trade settlement


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[global network reporter li ziyu] according to a report by the hong kong south china morning post on the 9th, saudi arabia's minister of industry and mineral resources bandar hulayev said in an interview with the media on the 7th that saudi arabia is "open to new ideas" including the use of rmb in cross-border crude oil transaction settlements, and is willing to "try new things" in its relations with china. the report said that hulayev also said that saudi arabia "welcomes chinese companies to invest."
according to the report, hulayev said in an interview with the media in hong kong on the 7th, "i think saudi arabia will always try new things and be open to new ideas. we try not to mix politics with business."
according to the south china morning post, hulayev described saudi arabia's "positive" view on using the "petroyuan" in transactions, but he did not give a specific timetable for its implementation.
"from a business perspective, between suppliers and customers, i think such an arrangement can be achieved based on the free will of both parties," hulayev said, adding that "this is not something we look at from a policy perspective."
in addition, the report said that hulayev also said, "we welcome chinese companies to invest." he looks forward to more cooperation with huaneng, mainly in the form of chinese investment, in areas such as metals, pharmaceuticals, smart cities, robots and renewable energy. "we welcome chinese companies to invest in electric vehicles," hulayev also said.
according to a report by the global times on september 1, citing the saudi press agency, a delegation of saudi industry and mining system led by saudi minister of industry and mineral resources bandar hulayev visited china and singapore from september 1 to 8. hong kong's south china morning post said that the delegation hopes to promote technical cooperation between china and saudi arabia.
saudi media reported that the visit aims to strengthen bilateral relations, attract high-quality chinese investment to saudi arabia and seek mutual investment opportunities in the industrial sector to help saudi arabia achieve the goal of "vision 2030" - to achieve economic diversification and transform saudi arabia into a world-leading industrial power. hulayev's office said, "the goal of the delegation's visit to china is to strengthen cooperation with china to make saudi arabia a key automotive center in the region and a leader in innovative and environmentally friendly automotive solutions."