
2024 global energy transformation conference opens in beijing


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china news service beijing news september 7th the 2024 global energy transformation conference opened on the 7th at the "energy valley" of the future science city in changping district, beijing. scholars from various fields at home and abroad discussed and exchanged views on energy development and security, energy green and low-carbon transformation and carbon emission reduction, low-carbon technology and digital technology, as well as international energy cooperation.
themed "transformation and development for a green future", this conference includes an opening ceremony and plenary session, nine special meetings, a conference summary and the opening ceremony of the "future city energy week", an exhibition and multiple "future city energy week" activities.
"energy is an important material basis for human survival and development, and low-carbon energy development is related to the future of mankind." huang runqiu, minister of the ministry of ecology and environment, said at the opening ceremony that china's economic and social development has entered a high-quality development stage of accelerating green and low-carbon development. in the next step, we will give full play to the leading, optimizing and forcing role of ecological and environmental protection, accelerate the promotion of green and low-carbon development, including actively cultivating and developing green productivity, and deeply implementing the regional, differentiated and precise ecological and environmental management system; actively respond to climate change, implement the "1+n" policy system of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, and further strengthen the construction of the carbon market. by the end of this year, in addition to the current carbon market covering the power industry, steel, cement, aluminum and other industries will also be included in the carbon emission rights trading market; actively participate in global climate governance, constructively participate in the multilateral process of climate change, actively promote international cooperation on climate change, promote the success of the united nations climate change conference (cop29), and deepen south-south cooperation to address climate change.
long guoqiang, deputy director of the development research center of the state council, pointed out that china is still facing challenges such as a heavy industrial structure, a coal-based energy structure, and low energy efficiency. the green and low-carbon transformation of energy is a long way to go. to this end, we must take the new quality productivity as the guide, grasp the forefront of world energy science and technology, and deepen the energy technology revolution. at the same time, china attaches great importance to international energy cooperation and actively promotes the green and low-carbon transformation of global energy. it will participate in the reform and construction of the global energy governance system, strengthen the development of the standard system and international connection and mutual recognition, and promote the construction of a global energy governance pattern of consultation, joint construction and sharing. it will steadily expand institutional opening up, take the joint construction of the "belt and road" as the guide, expand the new situation of diversified energy cooperation with high-level opening up, and build a new win-win model for green and low-carbon transformation of energy.
li jinfa, director of the china geological survey, said that as a national team for geological prospecting, the bureau is actively participating in, promoting and contributing to energy transformation. in the future, it will strengthen basic geological surveys to find out the energy resources; conduct oil and gas resource surveys in new areas, new layers and new types to promote oil and gas resource exploration and development and increase reserves and production; accelerate the exploration and development of new energy sources such as natural gas hydrates, deep geothermal energy, and hydrogen, increase the development of new energy minerals such as rare earths, lithium, cobalt, and nickel, and promote the clean use of traditional energy such as coal and oil. at the same time, it will strengthen exchanges and cooperation among cross-border industry departments to jointly create a new situation for energy transformation and green development.
"energy is at the heart of development," said li junhua, deputy secretary-general of the united nations. we must accelerate a fair, inclusive and just energy transition around the world. while the share of modern renewable energy in global electricity production is growing strongly and rapidly, more progress is needed in the areas of heating and transportation. in the process of coping with the complexities of the 21st century, let us work together to harness the power of green energy to ensure a sustainable, prosperous, fair, resilient and inclusive future.
yin yong, mayor of beijing municipal people's government, said that in recent years, beijing has vigorously promoted the comprehensive green transformation of energy, actively cultivated new momentum for green development, and achieved positive results. looking to the future, beijing will anchor the "dual carbon" goal, optimize the energy structure, strengthen the scientific and technological leadership of energy, promote the modernization of energy governance, and accelerate the construction of a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient new energy system. among them, it will promote the development of renewable energy such as photovoltaic, geothermal, and wind energy, expand the scale of external green electricity, promote the construction of virtual power plants, further enhance energy peak regulation and energy level backup capabilities, and ensure the energy security of the capital; relying on the "energy valley" of the future science city and the huairou energy laboratory and other innovative platforms, it will promote low-carbon and zero-carbon technology and equipment research, vigorously develop advanced energy, synthetic biology manufacturing and other industries, and create an international green economy benchmark city.
nobel prize winner in chemistry hartmut michel discussed at the conference whether biofuels and green hydrogen can be the best solution for energy transformation. in his view, humans need farmland to produce food and need to improve photosynthesis to promote food production; photovoltaic cells and wind power, solar energy, and various types of battery energy storage solutions should be used. carbon pricing should be introduced globally, which is a very important and efficient step to reduce the use of fossil energy and end global warming.
mary warwick, deputy director of the international energy agency, said in a video speech that countries around the world are taking measures to shift from fossil fuels to cleaner energy sources. although remarkable progress has been made, there is still a lot of work to be done. china's experience, including the experience of cities like beijing, shows that with the right policies, investments and commitments, rapid and large-scale progress can be made. however, achieving net zero emissions and carbon neutrality is a common global challenge. no country can accomplish this task alone. it requires concerted efforts across borders, industries and society, and needs to focus on three key areas: strengthening the global policy framework, accelerating technological innovation, and ensuring a fair and inclusive transition.
as a high-level event with great influence in the energy field at home and abroad, the global energy transformation conference has been held in the "energy valley" of future science city for the sixth consecutive year this year. in order to better showcase the technological achievements in the advanced energy field, this conference will hold an exhibition at the same time. there are two exhibition areas, indoor and outdoor. the indoor exhibition area highlights the combination of international and domestic, and displays innovative achievements such as cutting-edge technologies, key technologies, and disruptive technologies in advanced energy fields such as wind, light, hydrogen, and storage; the outdoor exhibition area uses scene design to create an immersive experience area for "sea, land, and air" new energy technologies represented by hydrogen-powered motorboats, a new generation of smart supercharging equipment, new energy vehicles, and new energy vertical take-off and landing drones (evolt). for the first time, a media live broadcast room, roadshow area, message area, and zero-carbon demonstration park model room were set up to allow participating companies, experts, and capital to better communicate and interact. (end)