
musk: the first starship to mars will be launched in two years, and if all goes well, it will be manned in four years


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tencent technology news, september 8, according to foreign media reports, on saturday local time in the united states, spacex founder elon musk posted continuously on social media, making bold ideas and predictions about the future human colonization and living scenarios on mars.

musk's post was in response to a post by bill ackman, an american billionaire hedge fund manager, in which ackman praised an ad released by nicole shanahan, the running mate of independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy jr., titled "make america healthy again."

"without our health and that of our children, we have nothing," ackman wrote in the post. "for those concerned about our economy, national debt, and deficit, there is no more important initiative than this."

musk used ackerman's post as a jumping-off point to discuss how colonizing mars could help humanity.

musk explained: "the first batch of starships are scheduled to set off when the earth-mars transfer window opens again in two years. they will be unmanned in the early stages to verify the reliability of a complete landing on mars. if these landing tests go well, the first manned trip to mars is expected to be realized within four years (2028). "

musk believes that the vision of establishing a sustainable human settlement on mars within 20 years is not out of reach. he wrote: "from then on, the frequency of flights will rise sharply, with the goal of building a self-sufficient martian city in about 20 years (2044). as a multi-planetary species, our survival potential will be significantly improved by diversifying risks because we will not put all our 'eggs', the foundation of life and civilization, in the same 'basket' - a single planet."

musk also mentioned the challenges of colonizing mars. he wrote: "spacex is developing a fully reusable launch vehicle, and more importantly, economically viable reusability. fundamentally, the key to achieving multi-planetary life is to reduce the cost per ton of payload to mars.

currently, it costs $1 billion to deliver one ton of payload to the surface of mars, and our goal is to reduce it to $100,000 per ton so that we can build a self-sufficient city on mars. this means that technology must achieve a 10,000-fold leap, which is admittedly a daunting challenge, but not impossible. "

earlier this year, musk set a grand blueprint for the starship to reach and land on mars within five years and for a manned mars landing within seven years, demonstrating his highly optimistic prediction for the rapid development of spacex and its space technology.

the starship project has made significant breakthroughs in the testing phase, especially the successful test flight in june, which not only verified its ability to travel to and from space, but also achieved the feat of landing at sea, marking a key step for spacex and the verification of many design and operational concepts.

musk reiterated that starship is the cornerstone of spacex's grand blueprint, which aims to send humans and supplies to the moon by 2030 and eventually lead humans to mars. its development process is of immeasurable value in realizing the vision of multi-planetary survival.

these tight timelines set by spacex reflect its unwavering commitment to making space travel a reality, with a focus on mars at the heart of musk's long-term plans to build a human colony on the red planet.

the smooth progress of the unmanned starship mission marks substantial progress in spacex's mars exploration strategy, laying a solid foundation for subsequent landing technology testing and manned missions. these initial efforts are crucial to musk's grand goal of building a self-sufficient city on mars in the next ten to twenty years.

spacex stated on its official website: "mars is the closest potentially habitable planet to earth and is bathed in abundant sunlight. although mars is cold, we can make it warm through our efforts. its atmosphere is mainly carbon dioxide, supplemented by rare elements such as nitrogen and argon, which makes it possible for us to compress the atmosphere and cultivate plants on mars."

the website continues: "mars' gravity is about 38% of earth's, which means that people will be able to lift heavy objects and walk around freely. even more exciting is that a day on mars is very similar to that on earth, which makes it easier for humans to live and explore." (compiled by jinlu)