
industrial funds attract capital, industries and intelligence


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huang lifei, omnimedia reporter of huasheng online
at the end of the summer vacation, hunan airlines has presented an impressive summer transportation "report card": the number of flights, the number of passengers carried, the occupancy rate, and the aircraft utilization rate have all reached historical highs; the net profit reached 153 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 50%.
five years ago, in response to the pain point that there was no local airline in our province, caixin financial holdings introduced hunan airlines through its subsidiary caixin industrial fund with a strategic investment of 1.146 billion yuan. over the past five years, local airlines have continued to make efforts, and the "changsha four-hour aviation economic circle" has accelerated its formation.
according to the structure of hunan jin furong investment fund, the industrial guidance fund is an important component of the five major mother funds in the "1+5+n". by investing in industrial funds, it will increase equity investment in the real economy and promote high-quality development in the province.
"industrial funds are an integrated innovation of fiscal, financial and industrial policies. they are an important tool for developing and strengthening patient capital, promoting scientific and technological innovation and industrial upgrading." in the view of li chuanguo, executive vice general manager of hunan caixin industrial fund management co., ltd., industrial funds can discover and invest in potential and growth-oriented enterprises and projects through market-oriented means and professional judgment, thereby achieving value discovery and optimizing resource allocation.
in recent years, caixin industrial fund has built an ecosystem through "parent fund + sub-fund", connecting with high-quality market tracks and industrial resources, and effectively achieving "attracting capital, industry, and intelligence."
not long ago, geely yuancheng new energy commercial vehicle xiangtan base delivered the 1,000th yuancheng super van and rolled off the first yuancheng happiness model.
this project is one of the investment projects of hunan provincial industry guidance fund. caixin financial holding has brought in social capital by leveraging its comprehensive financial service capabilities, providing a total of 4.5 billion yuan in funding support. at the same time, it has introduced high-quality logistics ecological resources to promote the rapid implementation of major industrial investment projects. the xiangtan municipal commerce department introduced that with the empowerment of the government's industrial fund, aiming at "high-tech", investing in new blue oceans, local project investment has become more confident.
in zhuzhou, beidou industrial park is accelerating the cultivation of new models and new formats of "beidou+", accelerating the empowerment of thousands of industries and benefiting thousands of households; in yiyang, xinwei electronic technology industrial park is developing rapidly, and the "china's capacitor capital" is surging. behind them, there are the figures and strong support of government industry guidance funds, which is a wonderful interpretation of the "two-way rush" of industry and capital.
data shows that since its establishment, caixin industry fund has introduced 190 projects in hunan province through self-managed funds, self-owned funds or equity fund investments, with a total amount of 34.539 billion yuan. among them, 158 projects belong to the "4×4" modern industrial system, with an investment amount of 33 billion yuan.
li chuanguo said that caixin industrial fund will use the jin furong industrial guidance and science and technology innovation fund as an important carrier to focus on building the province's industrial investment ecosystem, give full play to the guiding role of industrial funds, drive more social capital to invest in key areas and weak links of the real economy, and promote more high-quality projects to gather in hunan; at the same time, strengthen cooperation and exchanges with outstanding investment institutions to drive the high-quality development of hunan's equity investment industry.
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