
are the us military's aircraft carriers insufficient?


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the united states is currently deployed in the middle east

dual carrier strike group

there are no aircraft carriers available in the pacific

the united states has the largest number of active aircraft carriers in the world

why is it still not enough?

is combat readiness seriously overdrawn?

us aircraft carriers are struggling

11 ships aren't enough?

after a large-scale exchange of fire between hezbollah in lebanon and israel last month, the pentagon extended the deployment of the uss roosevelt in the middle east. the two aircraft carrier strike groups, the uss roosevelt and the uss lincoln, continue to be stationed in the middle east.

foreign media said that while strengthening the deployment of aircraft carriers in the middle east, the united states has experienced an aircraft carrier "window period" of at least three weeks in the western pacific, and similar situations are becoming more and more common.

the united states has 11 active aircraft carriers. however, according to the website of the u.s. naval institute, there are only four aircraft carriers deployed worldwide, namely the uss washington on the west coast, the uss eisenhower on the east coast, and the uss roosevelt and uss lincoln in the middle east. there are no aircraft carriers available in the pacific ocean in the near future.

military commentator wei dongxu said that the us navy's enthusiasm for playing the role of "world policeman" and its deep involvement in regional situations are the main reasons why its aircraft carriers are insufficient. originally, the uss lincoln was to be deployed in the western pacific after carrying f-35c fighters, but as tensions in the middle east intensified, the us sent the uss lincoln to form a dual-carrier strike group in support of israel, causing the us aircraft carriers to be overwhelmed.

the decline of the us maritime hegemony system

the aircraft carrier strike group is exhausted

according to the u.s. "navy news" website, among the six aircraft carriers originally deployed by the u.s. navy in the pacific, the "carl vinson" returned to port for maintenance; the "nimitz" was on standby in bremerton, washington; the "reagan" originally deployed in yokosuka, japan returned to the country for overhaul, and its replacement, the "washington", was preparing for a visit; the "roosevelt" and "lincoln" were in the middle east.

indian media said that the recent gap in the u.s. navy's aircraft carrier combat power in the western pacific may make u.s. allies believe that "the united states cannot fully fulfill its military commitments in asia, which may undermine the credibility of the u.s. defense guarantee to its regional allies." "the u.s. navy must manage its scarce aircraft carrier resources more effectively."

wei dongxu believes that the us military hegemony system is supported by its maritime hegemony system, and the cornerstone of the maritime hegemony system is the aircraft carrier strike group. now the us navy's "global deployment capability" and "global combat capability" have a large gap in manpower, and the aircraft carrier strike group is showing signs of fatigue, which means that the pillars and cornerstones supporting its military hegemony are already shaky, and it is also a sign of the decline of the us maritime hegemony system.

japan's "quasi-aircraft carrier" serves as the command ship of the joint exercise

want to fill the shoes of the us aircraft carrier?

from august 27 to 29, the japan maritime self-defense force held a joint exercise with the navies of australia, italy, germany and france in the waters south of kanto and east of okinawa. a total of nine surface ships participated in the exercise, with the japanese izumo serving as the command ship of the formation.

the izumo is the first ship of the izumo class and is currently the largest surface combat ship in the japan maritime self-defense force. it is currently undergoing conversion into an aircraft carrier.

as the host of this exercise, does japan's dispatch of the izumo mean that it wants to take over when the us aircraft carrier is "absent" from the western pacific?

wei dongxu believes that japan has ideas but no strength. compared with nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, the "izumo" is weak and its carrier-based aircraft are not in place. japan wants to integrate more us allies in the western pacific to form a joint maritime combat system, but this idea is difficult to achieve. moreover, japan's influence and voice in the us military alliance system are far from comparable to those of the old european military powers. neighboring countries in the asia-pacific region must remain highly vigilant about japan's continued strengthening of military cooperation with nato countries.

source: cctv military wechat official account
