
the charity that suggests teachers to "make voluntary donations" is backed by a group of veteran cadres


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the ningyuan county education foundation in yongzhou city, hunan province recently issued a written document (notice or document) suggesting that teachers and parents of students make "voluntary donations", but after reading the notice, i don't think they are calling for "voluntary donations".

the notice was sent to "education system and caring people from all walks of life" with the aim of raising funds to support poor teachers and students in the county. the fundraising target is 2.5 million yuan.

the original intention is good, to help the poor and the needy, and it should be supported.

however, the fundraising targets are mainly the county's education system, all staff of the education foundation, students and parents of schools (kindergartens) in the county, and then "philanthropic enterprises, chambers of commerce, and caring people from all walks of life." therefore, it can be basically concluded that this is a premeditated targeted fundraising mainly targeting teachers and parents of students in the county.

it is called a "voluntary donation", but the donation amount is specified, such as "it is recommended that each teacher voluntarily donate 69.9 to 199.9 yuan", so there may not be much room for teachers to volunteer.

a careful reading of these requirements will reveal that the initiators of this fundraising are trying very hard to hide their intention to force donations. they have used terms such as "suggestion", "voluntary" and "mobilization" in the hope of making the donations look less conspicuous, but they have obviously failed. their unsophisticated rhetoric can hardly cover up their true nature of semi-forced donations.

a person or organization in society who truly does charity and truly calls for voluntary donations will never and dare not specify a donation amount for the fundraising target, let alone focus the fundraising targets on teachers in a not-so-wealthy county.

the notice repeatedly stated, "it is recommended that teachers mobilize students or parents to donate between 9.9 and 69.9 yuan." this seems like an attempt to use teachers' special influence on students and parents to force them to donate, and the donation amount is also specified.

the director of the ningyuan county education bureau also followed the "suggestion" and asked for donations in his circle of friends.

some people may be puzzled: the ningyuan county education foundation is just a charity organization registered with the civil affairs department. how can it have the ability to coerce school teachers and force them to exert influence on students and their parents?

let's first look at who is in charge of the ningyuan county education foundation. the first chairman of the foundation was deng yaozhong and the vice chairman was you zhixiang.

who is deng yaozhong? deng yaozhong was once a member of the standing committee of the ningyuan county party committee and minister of propaganda. who is you zhixiang? he was once the deputy director and party secretary (now called party group secretary) of the ningyuan county education bureau. after deng stepped down, you took over as chairman of the ningyuan county education fund council.

in february 2024, the ningyuan county education fund council was replaced, and liu gengwang took over as chairman. liu gengwang has successively served as a member of the ningyuan county party committee, deputy county magistrate, head of the united front work department, and head of the propaganda department. from february to october 2021, he also crossed the county to dao county, yongzhou, and served as the chairman of the cppcc for 8 months, becoming a county-level official.

you see, the former chairmen of the ningyuan county education fund council are all retired senior cadres who once held real power in the local area.

in addition, when the ningyuan county education fund council was established, it was located in the county education bureau, which made it easy for people to mistake it for a government-run institution.

therefore, the ningyuan county education fund council appears to be a private charity organization, but its actual controllers are a group of retired senior cadres in ningyuan county, all of whom were powerful officials who had directly managed education in the past. this kind of charity organization is the "second government" that i have criticized in my previous articles.

after reading this, everyone should be able to understand why a charity organization could send a notice to the entire county's education system, "recommending each teacher to voluntarily donate 69.9 to 199.9 yuan" and "recommending teachers to mobilize students or their parents to donate 9.9 to 69.9 yuan."

in the local officialdom, some retired cadres have changed their past tempers of being submissive, turning a blind eye, and not getting involved in matters that do not concern them, and have become outspoken and responsible. some retired cadres have also staged their "last madness" and used the remaining power to do things that cause headaches for current officials and ordinary people. tomorrow, this account will publish an old article about retired cadres interfering with local affairs.

the original intention of helping the poor and the needy is really good, but since it is a voluntary donation, a call is enough. specifying the donation amount and requiring special groups such as teachers with special influence to mobilize students and parents to "voluntarily donate" has the meaning of a showdown, and is suspected of being a disguised forced donation, which has changed its nature.

in addition, the education fund council specifically seeks donations from teachers, students, and parents?

that's not the case. i think a normal education foundation should raise funds publicly from the whole society and use the money raised for education, rather than allowing a group of old cadres who once ran the education bureau to use their remaining power to target primary and secondary school teachers, students and parents within the education system as the main targets of fundraising.

the retired cadres who used to be in charge of the education system should stop eating grass in their own backyard.

in yongzhou, hunan, i'm afraid someone needs to come out to reorganize and educate these retired cadres.

september 7, 2024