
behind shenzhen huaqiang's 16 boards in 17 days: eight top speculators "pass the buck" and leave with huge profits


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interface news reporter | song yiting

taking advantage of the momentum of huawei hisilicon's concept, shenzhen huaqiang ( soared and achieved 16 boards in 17 days.

on september 6, shenzhen huaqiang's stock fluctuated at a high level throughout the day until it reached the daily limit at 2:24 p.m., and then it returned to the daily limit after a crash. as of the close, there were only 8,922 orders on the daily limit, and the company's stock price closed at 41.55 yuan per share.the turnover rate for the whole day reached 10.73%, the transaction volume was 4.547 billion yuan, and the total market value also reached 43.5 billion yuan with the daily limit.

according to the news, on september 9, huawei hisilicon will hold the 2024 hisilicon all-connect conference in shenzhen. this will be the first hisilicon all-connect conference. hisilicon will release new products during the conference. according to the agenda, this conference will release new products and hold summits on star flash, hongmeng, audio and video, and white appliances.

shenzhen huaqiang stated on the shenzhen stock exchange interactive on august 21 that the company is one of hisilicon's main authorized agents and will participate in the hisilicon full connect conference. in order to promote hisilicon products, the company will specifically invite customers to participate in the conference.

public information shows that shenzhen huaqiang's main business is modern high-end services for the electronic information industry chain, providing online and offline transaction services, product services, technical services, information services, data services and innovation and entrepreneurship support services to all links in the industry chain, and has built china's largest comprehensive electronic components trading service platform.

jiemian news found that as the hisilicon all-connect conference is approaching, the presence of hot money in the shenzhen huaqiang dragon and tiger list is gradually fading, and is replaced by a large influx of retail investors. according to the shenzhen huaqiang dragon and tiger list data on september 6,“retail investor base camp”the lhasa financial city south ring road securities sales department of east fortune securities co., ltd. and the lhasa tuanjie road first securities sales department of east fortune securities co., ltd. are in the buy one and buy four positions respectively.the two institutions appeared in the first and fifth selling positions, with net sales of 71.8455 million yuan and 43.9651 million yuan is worth noting that the dalian huanghe road securities sales department of china galaxy securities co., ltd., where the well-known hot money chen xiaoqun works, bought 407,600 yuan andsold 110 million yuan

in this regard, a market insider told jiemian news:the deadline for the 2024 hisilicon all-connect conference is getting closer. in order to prevent the possibility of "death in the light", it is understandable that hot money flees in advance. after all, the stock price is also at a high level.

shenzhen huaqiang dragon and tiger list on september 6
image source: choice financial terminal

hot money makes huge profits

looking at the shenzhen huaqiang dragon and tiger list, chen xiaoqun first appeared in the fourth place of buying on august 30, when he bought 27.5713 million yuan. then on september 2, chen xiaoqun appeared in the fourth place of buying again in the three-day list. the dragon and tiger list shows that he bought 50.7532 million yuan of shenzhen huaqiang stocks in three consecutive trading days. subsequently, chen xiaoqun continued to increase his position of 28.4597 million yuan of shenzhen huaqiang stocks on september this time, shenzhen huaqiang had already come out of the super market of 13 boards in 14 days. after buying nearly 80 million yuan in total for three consecutive days, it sold 110 million yuan on september 6.

one of the big winners this time is the well-known hot money happy coast.its seat, china merchants securities co., ltd. fuzhou liuyi middle road securities sales department, first appeared on the dragon and tiger list on august 16, and was in the first buying position. it bought 27.8395 million yuan of shenzhen huaqiang shares. after that, happy coast held its shares without moving until it appeared in the first selling position on august 29, and sold 92.2175 million yuan on that day.

from august 16 to august 29, happy coast increased its principal by 231.25% in just 10 trading days, making a net profit of 64.378 million yuan.

another top hot money investor who discovered shenzhen huaqiang at the same time as happy coast was xinyi. according to the dragon and tiger list of shenzhen huaqiang on august 16, xinyi bought 21.17 million yuan of shenzhen huaqiang on august 16. on august 20, he made two sales on the board, selling a total of 12.95 million yuan.

according to shenzhen huaqiang’s dragon and tiger list on august 16, hot moneyyu ge’s four large orders were all bought on the board, with a total purchase of 18.16 million yuan.

on august 20, two trading days later, yu ge first sold 21.27 million yuan at the opening, leaving only a bottom position. then he sold all the remaining profits at 9:42.on that day, yu ge sold a total of 21.97 million yuan, a profit of 20.98% over the purchase amount of 18.16 million yuan.

on august 20, shenzhen huaqiang had reached the 4th board. shenzhen huaqiang opened at the daily limit, and then immediately broke the limit and closed at the speed of light. the turnover rate for the whole day was 4.61%, and the transaction volume was 614 million yuan. among the funds for closing the board, the figure of the well-known hot money shangtanglu appeared. the data of the dragon and tiger list showsshangtang road purchased three batches of shenzhen huaqiang stocks on august 20, all of which were traded in the afternoon, with a total purchase of 12.79 million yuan.

shangtang road appeared again on august 22.on that day, shenzhen huaqiang went straight up, with shangtang road selling a total of 23.14 million yuan in three transactions and buying 2.551 million yuan at the same time.among them, the two largest sales were 7.138 million yuan at the opening and 15.82 million yuan at around 2:42 p.m. obviously, the 12.79 million yuan bought on august 20 could not have become 23.14 million yuan by relying on two daily limit ups. it is unknown how many positions shangtang road had ambushed before and after august 20, but at least it was also a major beneficiary in the booming shenzhen huaqiang.

shangtanglu last appeared on the three-day list on august 26. the dragon and tiger list of that day showed that shangtanglu bought a total of 10.05 million yuan and sold 5.839 million yuan of shenzhen huaqiang stocks from august 23 to august 26. since then, shangtanglu, who only had a small position, has never appeared on shenzhen huaqiang's dragon and tiger list again.

on august 22, shenzhen huaqiang, which had been visited by many hot money investors, had reached the 6th board. from the time-sharing chart of that day, shenzhen huaqiang had almost no transactions in the morning, but there were many large sell orders after 2:40 pm, which constituted a turnover rate of 4.07% throughout the day.fang xinxia worked at the xi'an zhuque street securities branch of citic securities co., ltd., which bought 23.5 million yuan worth of stocks in the closing auction.the 30.86 million yuan that the beijing fuwai street securities sales department of founder securities co., ltd., which was the first to sell, sold at the same time was a major factor in fang xinxia's ability to buy on that day. after that, fang xinxia never appeared on the shenzhen huaqiang dragon and tiger list again. as for when he sold the 23.5 million yuan he bought on the sixth board, or whether he has been holding the shares until now, it is still unknown.

shenzhen huaqiang has completely become a monster

on august 23, shenzhen huaqiang continued to open at the daily limit, and after opening, there was a fierce transaction and the limit was broken, and then it quickly returned to the limit. the turnover rate for the whole day was 2.47%, and the transaction volume was 438 million yuan. the data of the dragon and tiger list showedguosheng securities co., ltd. ningbo sangtian road securities branch (hereinafter referred to as: sangtian road) bid and bought nearly 30,000 lots, with a total purchase of 79.83 million yuan on that the three-day list on august 26, sangtianlu bought a total of 80.489 million yuan and sold 3.3835 million yuan.

august 27,sang tianlu, who had already hit two daily limit ups, chose to do t. after selling out all the goods bought on august 23, he bought 36.01 million yuan on the same day.on august 27, except for two sales totaling 4.884 million yuan at the opening, the rest of sangtian road was sold on the board, with a total sales of 101 million yuan.

on august 28, sang tianlu continued to do t, buying 20.04 million yuan and selling 35.87 million yuan on the same day, continuing to reduce his position. since then, sang tianlu has never appeared on the shenzhen huaqiang dragon and tiger list, but according to several operations on the list, sang tianlu has also made a profit of more than 20 million yuan on this stock.

it is worth noting that the taizhou gulou south road securities branch of guotai junan securities co., ltd. (hereinafter referred to as: gulou south road) ran through the dragon and tiger list of shenzhen huaqiang from august 22 to september rumors say that this is the seat of the well-known hot money "92 kobe".gulou south road first appeared in the buy-one position on august 22, and on that day, it bought 30.8 million yuan in two large orders of 10,000 lots at the end of the day, with a transaction price of 15.43 yuan per share. on august 23, gulou south road continued to increase its position, buying 5,774 lots again on the opening board, buying 9.798 million yuan on that day, with an average price of 16.97 yuan per share.

on august 27, gulou south road chose to do t, buying 32.73 million yuan and selling 22.03 million yuan on the same day.the net purchase was 10.7 million yuan, with an average purchase price of 20.35 yuan per share, and a profit of less than 1 point was made on the day.

on august 28, gulou south road did an inverted t, buying 43.51 million yuan and selling 30.51 million yuan on that day.the average purchase price was 21.51 yuan per share, and the average selling price was 20.75 yuan per share.according to calculations by interface news, gulou south road had a net purchase of 552,400 shares of shenzhen huaqiang stock on that day. as of the close of august 28, gulou south road held a total of approximately 3.65 million shares of shenzhen huaqiang stock, with a holding value of 82.4535 million yuan.

on august 29, gulou south road did another inverted t, buying 45.13 million yuan and selling 77.33 million yuan on that day, appearing in the second buying seat and the third selling seat respectively.the average purchase price was 244,700 yuan, and the average selling price was 243,000 yuan.according to calculations by jiemian news, gulou south road bought 1.8443 million shares and sold 3.1823 million shares, with a net sale of 1.338 million shares of shenzhen huaqiang, reducing its holdings to about 2.31 million shares and its holdings to 54.1695 million yuan. so far, gulou south road has invested 162 million yuan in shenzhen huaqiang and cashed out a total of 130 million yuan. as of the close of august 29, it has realized a profit of about 22.17 million yuan.

august 30,gulou south road once again took action on shenzhen huaqiang, which has been on the board for 10 times in 11 days, and appeared in the buying seat, bought 39.7 million yuan and sold 5.312 million yuan of shenzhen huaqiang shares on the same day, with a net purchase of 34.388 million yuan. gulou south road bought at an average price of 25.61 yuan per share on the same day, with a net increase of about 1.3427 million shares. so far, as of august 30, the holdings have increased to about 3.65 million shares, with a holding value of about 94.17 million yuan. because gulou south road has invested a total of 202 million yuan at this time and cashed out a total of 135 million yuan, it has accumulated a profit of 27.17 million yuan on shenzhen huaqiang.

on september 2, gulou south road appeared on the shenzhen huaqiang dragon and tiger list for the last time. on that day, it sold a large amount of 92.25 million yuan, which were basically sold on the board. the average transaction price was about 28.35 yuan per share. the total reduction in holdings was about 3.254 million shares, leaving a bottom position of about 400,000 shares (calculated at the closing price of 28.38 yuan per share on september 2, about 11.35 million yuan).according to calculations by interface news, as of september 2, gulou south road had invested a total of 202 million yuan, cashed out a total of 227 million yuan, and combined with the bottom positions held, the accumulated profit was approximately 36.35 million yuan.

after speculation by several hot money investors, shenzhen huaqiang's stock price has reached 41.55 yuan per share. after the hisilicon all-connect conference, will shenzhen huaqiang, whose market value has reached 43.5 billion yuan, continue its "elephant dance"?
