
four banking institutions were approved for dissolution at the same time!


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four more rural small and medium-sized banking institutions were dissolved due to mergers!

recently, the xinjiang regulatory bureau of the financial regulatory administration issued four consecutive approvals, agreeing to the dissolution of four banking institutions, including atushi city rural credit cooperative union, akto county rural credit cooperative union, aheqi county rural credit cooperative union, and wuqia county rural credit cooperative union.
the reply pointed out that in view of the establishment and merger of the above four cooperatives into xinjiang kezhou rural commercial bank, it was agreed that the four cooperatives would be dissolved due to the merger. all their businesses, properties, claims and debts, and other rights and obligations would be inherited by the newly established xinjiang kezhou rural commercial bank.
on the same day, the xinjiang regulatory bureau approved mei yun's qualifications as chairman of the xinjiang kezhou rural commercial bank (under preparation), and deng gang's qualifications as president of the xinjiang kezhou rural commercial bank (under preparation).
the financial times reporter noted that just a month ago, the xinjiang regulatory bureau issued an approval letter agreeing to set up the xinjiang kezhou rural commercial bank.
the reply pointed out that xinjiang financial investment (group) co., ltd. and its affiliates should strictly implement the relevant requirements and commitments of the "reply of the general office of the china banking regulatory commission on the investment of xinjiang financial investment company and other enterprises into rural small and medium-sized financial institutions" (yinjianbanfa [2009] no. 140) and the "reply of the general office of the china banking regulatory commission on the investment of xinjiang financial investment company into xinjiang rural credit cooperatives" (yinjianbanfa [2011] no. 202), and continue to improve their own operating indicators and ensure that the qualifications of shareholders meet the requirements. continue to issue written commitments not to send directors (directors) and senior management personnel to investment institutions, not to interfere with the operation of investment institutions, not to change the market positioning of investment institutions in serving the "three rural areas", and not to seek other benefits from investment institutions other than equity income. the preparatory work should be completed within 6 months from the date of approval.
it is understood that the kezhou rural commercial bank was established by the merger of four agricultural cooperatives, with a net capital of 900 million yuan and an asset scale of 7.5 billion yuan. after the merger, the overall capital strength, risk resistance and ability to serve the local economy will be greatly enhanced.
earlier, the kezhou banking association announced that since the reform of the establishment of a unified legal person rural commercial bank by kezhou rural credit cooperatives was launched in july 2023, the xinjiang rural credit cooperative union has taken positive measures to coordinate and promote various reforms, and the reforms are currently progressing smoothly. kezhou rural commercial bank strives to open for business at the end of september this year.
recently, kezhou rural commercial bank held its founding meeting and the first shareholders' meeting. the meeting emphasized that after opening, kezhou rural commercial bank should focus on its main responsibilities and businesses, effectively meet the financial needs of the "three rural" areas, actively support agricultural and rural construction and the development of new agricultural business entities, and continue to promote inclusive financial services to improve quality, reduce costs and increase efficiency. it is necessary to establish a new development concept, establish a modern financial enterprise system, improve governance efficiency, and effectively transform the operating system and mechanism. it is necessary to focus on enhancing risk prevention and control capabilities and effectively improve development momentum and core competitiveness.
in recent years, the establishment of unified legal person rural commercial banks at the prefecture (state) level has become an important starting point for the reform of rural credit institutions. industry experts believe that the "grouping together" of small and medium-sized rural banks will help small-scale and weak-capital rural credit institutions enhance their risk resistance, achieve sustainable development, further improve the rural financial service system, and enhance high-quality financial supply.
taking xinjiang as an example, in december 2023, the first unified legal person reform of xinjiang rural credit cooperatives was officially implemented - aksu tarim rural commercial bank and its 143 branches officially opened. aksu tarim rural commercial bank was established by the merger of the original five rural commercial banks and three rural credit unions in aksu prefecture. it is a joint-stock rural commercial bank that implements a management system of first-level legal person, unified accounting, hierarchical management, and authorized operation.
according to the reporter's preliminary analysis, in addition to aksu and kezhou, many places in xinjiang, such as hotan and kashgar, have started relevant work to establish unified legal person rural commercial banks at the prefecture (prefecture) level. in june last year, the office of the people's government of hotan county issued the "implementation plan for supporting the reform and development of rural credit cooperatives in hotan county", which clearly stated that the unified legal person of the region, hotan rural commercial bank (tentative name), will be built into a modern commercial bank with clear property rights, sound governance, sufficient capital and distinctive characteristics, and will continuously improve the construction of systems and mechanisms, highlight the advantages of industry characteristics, adhere to the target market positioning, and actively serve the real economy. in february this year, the kashgar region held a mobilization meeting to support the unified legal person reform of rural credit cooperatives, marking the official launch of the reform of the unified legal person of rural credit cooperatives in kashgar region to establish a rural commercial bank.
it should be emphasized thatthe establishment of unified legal person rural commercial banks at the prefecture (state) level cannot be a one-size-fits-all approach. we must adhere to the principle of one policy for each province, one policy for each bank, and one policy for each company, and choose an appropriate establishment xiao yuanqi, deputy director of the financial supervision bureau, emphasized at a recent press conference of the state council information office, it is necessary to optimize the regional financial layout based on the local economic and financial volume, changing trends, and financial needs. the fundamental goal is that financial supply and financial services should be able to meet the multi-level and diversified financial needs of market entities and financial consumers. after the establishment, the rural commercial bank should further optimize the equity structure, improve the level of corporate governance, continuously improve the construction of systems and mechanisms, and enhance its ability to serve local economic development and resist risks.

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source: financial times client
reporter: xu beibei, xu shaofeng, song juexia
editor: yunyang
email: [email protected]
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