
a large number of ancient coins were unearthed in anhui, and the official said they were from the song dynasty


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on september 7, a large number of ancient coins were found in a field in shisanwan village, hekou town, huoqiu county, anhui eyewitness told jimu newsreporter: staff from the county's cultural relics department have arrived at the scene. when packing the coins, they said they were from the song dynasty.

▲ancient coins unearthed in hekou town (photo provided by the interviewee)

mr. li told reporters that after he heard that someone had discovered ancient coins in shisanwan village, hekou town, he rushed to the scene at around 8 a.m. on the 7th. he saw someone digging in a field. when he got closer, he saw some coins in the pit. the staff were wearing gloves and putting the coins into bags.

"when the scene was crowded, there were hundreds of people. there was a cordon and several police officers standing by to maintain order. the people who packed the coins were staff from the county cultural relics department. they said these coins were from the song dynasty and weighed an estimated three to four thousand kilograms." mr. li said that when he returned to the scene to check around 2 p.m. on the 7th, everything had been cleaned up.

another villager, mr. wu, who was watching the scene, said that someone found these coins in shisanwan village on the 6th. relevant staff from the huoqiu county culture, tourism and sports bureau arrived at the scene to deal with it early in the morning of the 7th. he saw a large number of coins unearthed at the scene. according to the on-site staff, these coins were from the song dynasty.

a staff member of the hekou town government said that early in the morning of the 7th, relevant staff from the huoqiu county culture, tourism and sports bureau went to shisanwan village to unearth coins, but he was not sure whether these coins were from the song dynasty.

staff at the huoqiu county government office said that on the 6th they received a call from relevant staff from hekou town, saying that someone in the area had discovered ancient coins but did not know what to do with them. so the county government staff contacted relevant staff from the huoqiu county culture, tourism and sports bureau.

on the afternoon of the 7th, staff from the hekou police station said that they received a notice from the huoqiu county culture, tourism and sports bureau to go to the scene to maintain order. the unearthed coins were from the song dynasty. at present, the relevant staff have completed the processing and the pit where the coins were unearthed has been backfilled.

source: jimu news

dutyli jiajian guli