
the leader with a market value of 300 billion is the hottest, and nearly 100 foreign investors are eyeing it


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in the past week, more than 660 stocks were investigated by institutions, and mindray medical became the stock with the largest number of investigating institutions.

mindray medicalthe company ranked first in terms of institutional attention, with a total of 495 institutions conducting research on the company, including nearly 100 overseas institutions, as well as 79 funds, 60 securities companies, 112 private equity firms, and 25 insurance funds.

in the first half of 2024, the company's total operating income reached 20.53 billion yuan, an increase of 11.1% over the same period last year. in the second quarter, the total operating income reached 11.16 billion yuan, an increase of 10.3% over the same period last year. in terms of profitability, the net profit attributable to the parent company in the first half of the year was 7.56 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 17.4%, and the growth rate after excluding the impact of exchange gains and losses was 22.1%. the net profit attributable to the parent company in the second quarter was 4.40 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 13.7%, and the growth rate after excluding the impact of exchange gains and losses was 24.0%.

mindray medical said in the survey that the company's performance growth was affected by changes in the external environment in the short term, but this impact was not significant for the general public.some manufacturers do exist, and the company actively responds to environmental changes and continues to increase its market share. therefore, based on the current situation, the company still has strong confidence that it can follow the established plan.the goal of successfully achieving the top 20 global medical device market share by 2025 at the latest.mindray medical is a leader in medical devices, with its latest market value approaching 300 billion yuan.

as a leading medical device companyunited imaging healthcareinstitutional attention ranked second, with 312 institutions conducting surveys. in the first half of the year, all key indicators of the company maintained steady growth, with operating income of 5.333 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 1.18%; net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies of 950 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 1.33%; and gross profit margin of 50.37%, a year-on-year increase of 1.66 percentage points.

an organization asked how the company views the centralized procurement of medical equipment carried out by relevant provinces and cities. united imaging healthcare said that the company is now ready to fully participate in various centralized procurements, especially in terms of cost control, independent research and development of core components, and product diversity. in addition, centralized procurement is likely to adopt direct sales, which will significantly reduce the company's marketing costs.therefore, overall, centralized procurement brings challenges but also opportunities to the company.

the number of research institutions ranked thirdnew industriesit is also a large medical device company with a latest market value of over 50 billion yuan. in the first half of the year, the company achieved operating income of 2.211 billion yuan, an increase of 18.54% over the same period last year; net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 903 million yuan, an increase of 20.42% over the same period last year.

the company stated in the survey that considering the broader domestic substitution space for tumor markers and thyroid function compared to infectious diseases and the company's brand advantages in tumor markers and thyroid function categories,the company believes that the new round of centralized procurement is still a positive factor for domestic business, and the company is confident that it can achieve a rapid increase in market share in tumor markers and thyroid function.

two leading photovoltaic companies also appeared in the survey list of hundreds of institutions.trina solarit is said that the topcon 2.0 era has arrived.the company's topcon battery efficiency will increase by 1% and product power will increase by at least 30w.the combination of topcon and perovskite stacking will be the next generation of core technology, continuing to lead the industry's high-quality development.

trina solar also said that the company has always attached great importance to the protection of investors' interests. since the beginning of this year, the company has announced 10100 million~1.2 billion share repurchase plan, the company's senior management has completed the increase in the company's convertible bonds. if the company implements repurchases, increases in holdings and other actions to protect the interests of investors in the future, it will fulfill its information disclosure obligations in a timely manner.

artesthe operating income in the second quarter was 12.36 billion yuan, a month-on-month increase of 28.8%;net profit660 million yuan, a month-on-month increase of 14.1%. although component prices continued to fall in the second quarter, the company's high-quality component sales and rapidly growing energy storage shipments supported the company's operating income and net profit growth month-on-month. based on the current business development, the company has cautiously raised its guidance for large-scale energy storage system shipments this year.the company achieved energy storage sales of 2.6gwh in the first half of the year and expects to ship 1.4gwh in the third quarter.G~1.7gwh, and shipments are expected to grow further in the fourth quarter.

among the stocks that institutions have researched in the past week,sinopharm modern, bojun technology, yutong bus, bose sharesthe net profit of stocks such as etc. increased by more than 100% year-on-year in the first half of the year and the rolling p/e ratio was less than 20 times. among them, the net profit of amway shares in the first half of the year increased by more than 98 times year-on-year. during the reporting period, the company's main products increased in both quantity and price, operating income increased significantly, and profits increased significantly, setting the best performance in the same period in history. among them, many indicators in the second quarter set a single quarter record. the net profit of xizi clean energy in the first half of the year increased by more than 10 times year-on-year, mainly due to the disposal of long-term equity investment income and the increase in product delivery gross profit margin.

this week, the main a-share indexes continued to hit new lows, with the shanghai composite index falling 2.69% and the chinext index falling 2.68%. it was found that the average decline of institutional research stocks in the past week was 2.72%. the best performing stock was shuyu pingmin, with a cumulative increase of nearly 44%. in addition, slake, shentong express, del shares, huanlejia and other stocks all rose by more than 10%.

editor: yang yucheng

proofreading:tao qian
