
people with a kind heart are easy to get along with, and people with upright character are easy to make friends with.


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kindness can be found in he is of good character and is worthy of friendship.

as the saying goes, "a man becomes redder when he keeps company with vermilion, and a man becomes blacker when he keeps company with ink." friends influence each other and are influenced by each other. the kind of friends you keep will determine the kind of life you will have. zeng guofan said, "the success or failure of your life all depends on the virtue of your friends, so you must be careful." the more friends you have, the better. you must be careful when choosing friends. some friends should never be made friends with.


a bad heart cannot be dealt with

lao tzu said: heaven has no relatives, but it is always with the good. heaven itself has no relatives or strangers, but it is particularly kind to the good. kindness is nature, and also character. kindness is cultivation, and also mind. kind people treat others sincerely, so you don't have to worry about being deceived when you get along with them. kind people are good at looking at things from other people's perspectives, so it's comfortable to get along with them. kind people are willing to help others, and getting along with them is always like being in the spring breeze.

all the blessings are within one's heart. a person's blessings are related to his or her heart. if one is always kind, cultivates good and avoids evil, god will naturally protect him or her.

confucius said: "living with bad people is like entering a store selling abalone. after a long time, you no longer smell the stench and become like them." if you stay with bad people for a long time, your heart will be corrupted. even if you can stick to the right path, you may still be betrayed by them. su shi also regarded shen kuo as a friend, but shen kuo took su shi's poems to complain, which put su shi in jail and almost cost him his life. in life, choose good friends. friends can be not excellent or not smart, but they must be kind.


the quality is not good, do not make friends

liking someone starts with appearance, then respects talent, matches personality, lasts for kindness, and ends with character. making friends is like this, after many twists and turns, in the end, it all comes down to character. sima guang said: talent is the foundation of virtue; virtue is the leader of talent. therefore, a person with both talent and virtue is called a "sage", a person with neither talent nor virtue is called a "fool"; a person with virtue surpassing talent is called a "gentleman", and a person with talent surpassing virtue is called a "villain".

the more outstanding a person is, but his character is not good, he is a villain who is very harmful. a person who is not outstanding, but has a decent character, is a gentleman. making friends with others is a journey of communication between hearts. only by keeping one's word and keeping one's promise can one gain the trust of others; only by having a good character and treating others sincerely can one gain true love. people with good character are easy to win people's hearts. they are popular, and everyone trusts him and is willing to help him. no matter where they go, they can be like a fish in water. they are a lamp, illuminating others and themselves.

xunzi said: "choose good friends and befriend them." it is a very wise thing to often associate with people with good character. taking people with good character as role models, even if you don't achieve much in your life, you can always feel the brilliance and warmth of life.

the book of changes says: people of the same mind respond to each other, and people of the same spirit attract each other. only people of the same mind can become friends. to make friends with kind people, start with being kind yourself; to make friends with upright people, start with being upright yourself. the rest of your life is precious, and you will walk with upright and kind people all the way.

source丨bensuc creative id: bensuc the pictures are from the internet and the copyright belongs to the original author.