
university living expenses start at 2,000 yuan, is that a lot?


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text|xiao kang
recently, it is the beginning of the university semester again. the discussion on "how much is the appropriate amount of living expenses for university" has become popular again on major online platforms and wechat groups. many students have shared their living expenses. some students have posted at least 2,000 yuan a month, and some have more than 3,000 yuan. but many students also said that they can get by with 1,500 yuan a month.
in this regard, one netizen shared his personal experience, saying that when he was in college in 1992, he only had 150 yuan a month for living expenses, and he had some left over even if he ate all three meals in the cafeteria. at the same time, a reporter visited six universities in chengdu and found that most college students' living expenses were between 1,500 and 2,000 yuan, and a small number were between 1,000 and 1,500 yuan.
i have to say,how fast the economy develops, how fast society changescompared with 1992, which was the year the netizens personally experienced, social living standards and consumer prices have changed a lot.we might as well use new standards to look at how much living expenses should be for college students today.
if college students studying in first-tier cities such as beijing and shanghai want to experience the surrounding city life outside the campus, it is difficult not to take the consumer prices in big cities into comprehensive consideration. moreover, three meals a day cost at least 30 or 40 yuan. if you have a meal with classmates on weekends to enhance communication, the cost will be about 100 yuan. not to mention the cost of buying daily necessities, clothing, and transportation. even if each item is not much, it will add up to several thousand yuan.can these expenses be regarded as excessive consumption? the answer probably needs to be viewed dialectically.
when we actually help college students calculate this bill, we will find that the specific amount of living expenses varies depending on the region, school, personal consumption habits and lifestyle, and it is difficult to give a unified spending 3,000 yuan extravagant and spending 1,500 yuan thrifty? not necessarily.
photo by zhang yong, china news service
in terms of regions, first-tier cities will see higher costs in all aspects, while second- and third-tier cities have lower living costs; in terms of schools, the consumption levels on different campuses are also different, some are relatively cheap, and some are relatively expensive. and in terms of individuals, some students focus on expansion and social entertainment, while others have a simpler life, which will result in different spending needs.
therefore, instead of focusing on how much living expenses college students have each month and wondering whether there should be a golden standard, it is better to pay more attention to the purpose of this money: whether it is for basic needs, reasonable expansion, or luxury and competitive consumption?reasonable things should be supported, and unreasonable things should not be wasted. as their spare time becomes more abundant, the total living expenses they need will vary from person to person. in today's popular words, it is "rich and frugal is up to each person".
in an ideal situation,if college students develop a reasonable and correct consumption concept and need to make some appropriate expansion consumption beyond basic living, then parents may not necessarily support it., it can be supplied according to the family situation. of course, if the actual economic situation is limited, there is no need to let parents stretch their means to save face for their children. just live within your means, and you can also cultivate college students' concept of thrift and consideration for their parents.
students eating in the cafeteria. photo courtesy of beijing university of chinese medicine
think about it from another angle.isn’t monthly living expenses the first lesson for college students to plan their own spending?from this point on, learning to plan and allocate, and developing a sense of savings are also compulsory courses for them to enter social life in the future. reasonable planning, finding internships or part-time jobs, saving expenses, making good use of campus resources, and maintaining good communication with family members can all control living expenses within a reasonable range.
after doing all this, college students can finally move beyond the debate over "cost of living".completed the real life lessons - rational consumption, independent living, and mature values.this may be the ideal result we want to achieve when discussing topics such as "how much should college students' living expenses be?"
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text: xiao kang
image: @china youth network campus news agency, china news service, beijing university of chinese medicine
recital: wang qian
editor: xing yanyan
editor: zhang xueyu