
from ariel lin to zang youxia, populist bullying and green terror based on the political identity of the authorities


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in the 100 days since lai ching-te took office, he has put the word "fighting" first, using the name of anti-corruption to crack down on political enemies inside and outside the the ideological field, he has been constantly confusing right and wrong, washing people's minds, and strengthening the political identity of "taiwanese subjectivity". he has also used the power in his hands and mobilized populist forces to coerce and suppress people on the island who have chinese national identity, greater china consciousness, and unification sentiments.

recently, lin yichen, an artist from taiwan who is known as the "goddess with zero negative reviews", mentioned "i am from chengdu" in the seventh season of the mainland online variety show "signal of heart", and explained "because my grandfather is from chengdu."however, this statement sparked different discussions on the island and was maliciously attacked by the democratic progressive party’s cyber army.

zhu lixi, lin yichen's teacher at national chengchi university, who had previously maintained an interactive relationship with her, even posted a message saying, "i don't remember teaching people from chengdu" and "please stop sending me messages on teacher's day." he also complained that lin did not listen to advice and went to the mainland to develop her career, and used emotional terms such as "hypocritical," "disappointing," and "unforgivable."he looked deeply distressed and wanted to completely cut ties with ariel lin for the sake of "political correctness", which showed the moral bottom line of how politics can erode human nature.

facing cyberbullying, ariel lin responded on the 6th: "chengdu, taipei, and yilan are where my grandparents, my grandparents-in-law, and i grew up.without these places and these people, i wouldn’t be who i am today. please understand.”

lin yichen's dignified response clearly did not show that she was giving in to the bullies on the island, nor did she apologize for her identity as they had expected.because blood ties and the history of ancestors cannot be changed or denied, this is the "dignity of birth."

as the famous taiwan commentator tsai cheng-yuan said, the origin of one's ancestors is the origin of everyone's dna. to deny one's origin and trample on the dignity of one's origin in order to cater to the political demands of some people is not identity, but a cult.this kind of identity that only allows people to call themselves taiwanese but does not allow them to remember their ancestors is the "taiwan poison" cult.

it is not the first time that the lai administration and its wing and cyber army have used ideology to criticize others and use "taiwan independence" political identity to engage in emotional blackmail and populist bullying.after 520, many artists on the island expressed their support for the reunification of the motherland. mayday also called out the position of "we chinese" at the concert. however, these statements were attacked by populist netizens on the island and were insulted as "betrayers of taiwan". lai qingde even threatened that the taiwanese people should forgive these artists because they are just "living under the eaves and have to bow their heads."lai has labeled the natural identity recognition and true feelings of artists on the island as "forced statements", and his intention to suppress, slander, fan the flames and create green terror is obvious.

during the paris olympics, chinese taipei players li yang and wang qilin won the men's doubles badminton gold medal. kmt legislator weng xiaoling wrote an article praising the "lin-yang pair" as "the pride of the chinese people", but was attacked and besieged by green camp politicians, wings, and cyber troops. this kind of disregard for historical culture and legal reality, blindly suppressing the statement and voice of "i am chinese" on the island,it is the dpp authorities' stubborn adherence to the "taiwan independence" stance and their efforts to "de-sinicize" and shape the so-called "taiwan subjectivity" political identity that highlights their anxiety and uneasiness in the face of the ultimate reunification of the two sides of the taiwan strait.

recently, mainland rapper wang yitai was preparing to hold a concert in taipei. although all the tickets were sold out, the taiwan authorities' mainland affairs council rejected his application.the reason is that it used "chinese taipei" to identify the concert in the social media poster promotion, which "degraded taiwan's status."

recently, the taiwan military has also launched a so-called "investigation" into retired taiwanese major general zang youxia.the reason was that when zang youxia went to hong kong to attend the "global chinese conference on promoting china's peaceful reunification", he stood up and listened to the national anthem.

zang youxia, 76 years old this year, is the eldest son of the anti-japanese hero zang xiaoxia. his ancestral home is yaowan town, suqian, jiangsu province.he has served as the major general commander of the southern reserve command of taiwan and vice chairman of the chinese taipei sports association. he is currently the chairman of the association for the promotion of the culture and economy of the chinese nation. in april 2020, he took over as the chairman of the huangfuxing party department of the kuomintang. during his tenure, he revoked the position of the chairman of the huangguoyuan (taoyuan branch) party department of yu beichen, who was concentrating on live streaming.

zang youxia once criticized the dpp for "only caring about its own interests but forgetting the national justice", and said that "he would rather accept the unification of the two sides of the taiwan strait than succumb to the dpp authorities."this time, the lai administration threatened to "severely punish" zang youxia on the grounds that he had allegedly violated the "regulations on cross-strait relations". it is very likely that zang youxia's monthly pension of nt$90,000 (approximately rmb 20,000) will be suspended.

this is the first time that the dpp authorities have used relevant provisions to launch an investigation into retired taiwanese since 2019. this clearly shows that the lai administration has made no secret of its attempt to use zang youxia and other representatives to use the public power in its hands to crack down on the core pro-unification forces on the island who advocate the "1992 consensus" and oppose "taiwan independence."by threatening to cancel their basic living security, they create a chilling effect and green terror, and prevent and obstruct cross-strait non-governmental exchanges and personnel exchanges.this is the latest step by lai ching-te to further seek the legalization of "taiwan independence" and suppress the anti-independence and pro-unification movement on the island.

what is more noteworthy is that the current head of taiwan’s defense department, gu lixiong, a stubborn "taiwan independence" activist, fully cooperated with lai qingde.we should take this opportunity to cut off the retired generals who have a greater china sentiment, vigorously promote the "de-sinicization" of the army, and abandon the huangpu spirit of maintaining unity, reviving china, and being patriotic and revolutionary.push the taiwan military to gradually develop into a "taiwan independence" armed force.

as wu rongyuan, chairman of the taiwan labor party and convener of the cross-strait peace development forum, pointed out,both sides of the taiwan strait belong to one china, and every taiwanese citizen is chinese. seeking peaceful reunification of the country is a legitimate demand and is also natural.therefore, zang youxia did nothing wrong. all conscientious and peace-loving people in taiwan should support zang youxia and speak up for him.

from ariel lin to zang youxia, we can see that the lai administration insists on the new "two-state theory" and continues to use populist bullying and green terror to forcefully shape the "taiwan independence" consciousness.suppressing the people on the island's recognition of one china and the anti-independence and pro-unification forces, confusing the public and misleading their national and political identity, is sinister and far-reachingly harmful. it is a great damage to the peaceful development of cross-strait relations and deserves our high vigilance!

source: voice of the strait
