
the number of applicants hit a 10-year high! the 2024 national medical examination for the blind (guangdong area) was held


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on september 7, the guangdong district examination for the 2024 national blind medical massage personnel examination was held in guangzhou. a comprehensive computer test was conducted in the morning and a practical skills test was conducted in the afternoon. the examination content covers a total of ten courses, including meridian acupoints, pediatric massage, palpation diagnosis, and massage basics.
it is understood that this year is the 15th year of the guangdong examination, and it is also the year with the most candidates in the past decade, with a total of 133 candidates. the average age is 27 years old, the youngest is 19 years old, and the oldest is 48 years old. among the candidates, 83 have secondary technical school education, 40 have junior college education, and 10 have bachelor's degree.
for blind massage practitioners, the transition from "health massage" to "medical massage" can be said to be a "qualitative" leap in their careers. after passing the blind medical examination and obtaining a certificate, blind medical massage therapists will obtain a "pass" to enter hospitals, clinics, community health service centers and other medical institutions to practice medicine, and their massage work will also achieve a leap from "massage health" to "medical massage".
feng jianjun, director of the education and employment department of the guangdong provincial disabled persons’ federation, said that the national examination for blind medical massage personnel is an examination to evaluate whether blind medical massage personnel have the professional knowledge and technical level necessary to practice. it is an essential way for the blind to enter the medical massage industry and engage in medical massage. it is of great significance for the blind to improve their employment level, increase their economic income and enhance their social status.
the examination for blind medical massage personnel in guangdong was implemented in 2010. in 2015, a total of 1,367 people applied for the examination. in the first 14 years, 442 people passed the examination and obtained the blind medical massage qualification certificate. there are more than 20 blind medical massage institutions in the province.
the reason why the number of blind people taking medical examinations in guangdong this year hit a 10-year high is inseparable from a major favorable policy.
in april this year, the guangdong provincial medical security bureau issued the "notice of the office of the guangdong provincial medical security bureau on clarifying the medical security designated points of some medical institutions", which was the first in the country to unify and clarify at the provincial level. blind medical massage clinics that have obtained a "medical institution practice license" can apply for medical security designated points. after evaluation by the medical insurance departments of various cities, those medical institutions that meet the medical security designated point conditions can be included in the medical security designated point management.
when the medical insurance departments of various cities and counties evaluate the conditions for inclusion of blind massage medical institutions in the designated points, they may regard blind medical massage personnel who have obtained the "qualification certificate for blind medical massage personnel to engage in medical massage" as relevant health technical personnel listed in the second paragraph of article 6 of the "guangdong province medical institution medical insurance designated management measures".
the implementation of this policy has brought positive impetus to the development of the blind medical massage industry. after the blind medical massage clinics are included in the medical insurance designated point management, it will greatly promote the employment of blind medical massage personnel.
the reporter learned that the provincial disabled persons' federation will also hold the first on-site job fair for blind medical massage personnel in guangdong province in november to further promote high-quality employment for the blind. the relevant person in charge of the guangdong provincial disabled persons' employment service center introduced that because there are a large number of candidates this year and most of them are taking the exam for the first time, in order to familiarize the candidates with the exam process and equipment, the center held a 10-day pre-exam training course, with a total of 95 candidates participating in the training. theoretical courses are offered during the day, and acupoint instrument practice courses are also offered in the evening, so that candidates can enter the exam preparation state as soon as possible and meet the exam in the best condition.
text and photos by reporter liu zhuonan and correspondent zhong tingting