
national health commission: these groups are more susceptible to influenza


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september 6

the national health commission held a press conference

introducing the relationship between seasonal solar terms and health

after school starts

increased risk of respiratory infectious diseases spreading

with the start of the school year, children return to campus and are in close contact in relatively closed spaces such as classrooms, which increases the probability of transmission of infectious diseases, especially respiratory infectious diseases such as influenza, chickenpox, and mumps.

infectious disease prevention starts with three links, including controlling the source of infection, cutting off the route of transmission, and protecting susceptible groups. for example, the school's morning and afternoon inspections, tracking and registering absences due to illness, and health monitoring systems are measures to promptly discover and control the source of infection. if students have symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, parotid gland swelling, diarrhea, vomiting, rash, and conjunctival congestion, parents should report to the teacher in a timely manner and seek medical treatment as soon as possible; scientifically wearing masks in daily life, washing hands frequently, ventilating frequently, paying attention to coughing etiquette, not advocating going to school with illness, and trying to avoid large-scale gatherings during epidemic seasons are measures to cut off the route of transmission. moderate participation in exercise, a balanced diet, and a regular work and rest schedule are to enhance immunity, and vaccination is to improve population-specific immunity, thereby further protecting susceptible people.

what needs to be emphasized here is that every time a school term starts, the country has a system of checking vaccination certificates for new students. the main purpose is to check the vaccination certificates to understand whether the children have missed any vaccinations. if any vaccines have been missed, they must be given in time to better play the role of vaccines in preventing corresponding infectious diseases.

these people are more susceptible to influenza

influenza is a common respiratory infectious disease, and all people are generally susceptible. so which groups are particularly susceptible to infection? mainly people who have more opportunities to come into contact with the virus, such as medical staff; and people who gather in closed spaces for a long time, such as childcare institutions, schools, factories, etc. however, most influenza is self-limiting, so there is no need to worry too much. but some people are at high risk of severe influenza, and they are prone to severe illness and complications if infected with influenza. these people include: people over 65 years old, children under 5 years old, pregnant women, people with underlying diseases, people with low immune function, and obese people.

for these risk groups, it is recommended to get the flu vaccine first, which is currently the most effective measure to prevent the flu. in addition to high-risk groups, it is recommended that family caregivers who take care of infants and the elderly be included in the priority vaccination population. since it generally takes at least 2 weeks after vaccination to produce enough antibodies to obtain protection, it is best to complete the flu vaccination before the end of october each year.

in addition to vaccination and protective measures, the elderly and patients with chronic diseases should pay more attention to the management of underlying diseases and keep them in good condition. in addition, family members with infants and the elderly should also pay attention to protection to avoid infecting children and the elderly.

source: hubei news, cctv news client

(source: hubei news)

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