
iraqi delegation to visit us to announce end of foreign military presence


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according to a source from the iraqi security department on the 6th, the iraqi security delegation will go to the united states at the end of this month and announce the end of the presence of foreign troops in iraq. in fact, the us-led international coalition has long existed in iraq. there has always been a strong voice in iraq demanding the us military to leave. so, what led to the agreement between the united states and iraq? let's take a look at the observations sent back by cctv reporter mi chunze from baghdad, the capital of iraq.

the united states and iran have held several rounds of negotiations and recently reached a withdrawal agreement

mi chunze, cctv reporter: this is baghdad, the capital of iraq. on january 25 this year, the iraqi ministry of foreign affairs announced that the government intends to formulate a specific timetable to determine the duration of foreign troops' stay in iraq. after about half a year of multiple rounds of negotiations through the dialogue mechanism of the high military committee, iraq and the united states will reach a withdrawal agreement in the near future.

according to the plan, all coalition forces will withdraw from the assad air base in anbar province in western iraq, and significantly reduce the coalition forces stationed in the iraqi capital baghdad by september 2025.

in the kurdish autonomous region in northern iraq, especially in its capital erbil, the international coalition forces will continue to stay until the end of 2026 and then withdraw.

long-term us intervention leads to instability in iraq

since 2003, the united states has invaded iraq on the grounds that "iraq possesses weapons of mass destruction" and has launched military intervention for more than 20 years despite widespread opposition from the international community. this war has not only failed to bring real peace to iraq, but has plunged the country into even more prolonged conflict and turmoil.

the united states claimed to have withdrawn its troops from iraq since the end of 2011, leaving only a small number of troops stationed at the u.s. embassy in iraq. however, after the extremist organization "islamic state" occupied large areas of western and northern iraq in 2014, the united states once again increased its troops on the grounds of combating extremism, and formed an international coalition to launch a military operation in iraq with multiple countries for nearly three years. to this day, although the main forces of extremist organizations in iraq and syria have collapsed, the u.s. military presence in iraq has become the main reason for the instability of the country.

since the outbreak of a new round of israeli-palestinian conflict in october last year, militia groups in iraq have frequently used drones and cruise missiles to attack many places in israel and military bases in iraq where us troops are stationed. the us military's response to the attacks on militia organizations not only did not receive authorization from the iraqi government, but instead further worsened the country's security situation and intensified tensions in its surrounding areas.

the withdrawal of us troops will add positive factors to the regional situation

it is generally believed in iraqi academic circles that the u.s. military presence in iraq and syria continues to this day with the aim of using it as a line of defense against iran, but this will undoubtedly have a negative impact on the warming of bilateral relations between iraq and iran in recent years, and will further interfere in iraq's internal and foreign affairs.

the plan of the international coalition to withdraw from iraq in the next two years marks a turning point for the long-term presence of the us military in iraq. ending the presence of foreign military forces led by the us military in iraq not only symbolizes the further consolidation of iraq's national sovereignty, but also adds more positive factors to stabilizing the country's security situation. in the next two years, whether the withdrawal of the international coalition in iraq can be smoothly implemented, and how iraq's cooperation with neighboring countries in areas such as border security and combating extremism will evolve, still deserves close attention from all parties.

source: cctv news
