
suspected that the prosecutors released the news of "1500 shen qingjing" with a hidden agenda, you shuhui: some people are beginning to get scared


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taiwan people's party chairman ko wen-je is involved in the jinghua city scandal. on the 6th, some media pointed out that the prosecutors found a usb flash drive (i.e., a u disk) at ko's home, which recorded "2022/11/1 xiao shen 1500 shen qingjing", and was suspected of receiving 15 million yuan (new taiwan dollars, the same below) from shen qingjing, chairman of the weijing group. in response, people's party spokesperson dai yuwen criticized that the principle of "non-disclosure of investigations" has been regarded as nothing and trampled underfoot? kmt taipei city councilor you shuhui said that if the prosecutors and investigators have always had something that can kill people with one shot, and now it is leaked to the media, will it make some people start to be afraid.

dai yuwen said that on the 6th, there were media reports that the words "1500" were found on the usb. in fact, these were all unconfirmed news, attempting to influence public opinion and the judge's conviction. what the people's party wants to ask is, has the principle of "non-disclosure of investigations" been ignored and trampled underfoot?

dai yuwen said that the northern district prosecutors office should also explain clearly and cannot shirk responsibility by saying that it cannot confirm the facts. the people's party demands that the judicial authorities should explain clearly immediately and not hide behind the media to manipulate public opinion or allow the media to report on hearsay to undermine the dignity of the judiciary.

on the 6th, you shuhui said that it is best not to rush into the matter of "1500 shen qingjing" as the media said that it might be 3 pm to meet shen qingjing. but i don't know why they didn't write "3" or record it on their phone, but why they specially used excel to record it in a usb flash drive. whether this record is time, money, or just saying "xiao shen owes him 1500 yuan", the outside world does not know, so don't rush into the matter, maybe there is time with the tech bosses, or the tech bosses owe ke thousands of yuan.

you shuhui pointed out that what surprised her most was that if prosecutors had these materials that could kill people with one shot, why did they leak them to the media at this time? was it to make people with ulterior motives start to get scared? would some bigwigs in the technology industry see these materials leaked and be scared to death, wondering why these materials were leaked?

you shuhui said that shen qingjing and ke wenzhe are the only two people in this case who cannot be turned into tainted witnesses, because the crimes of accepting and offering bribes are relatively serious, and the prosecutors and investigators hope to incite more people with less serious crimes to confess the main culprits, and hope that more witnesses will come forward to confess, or that people who are afraid of being implicated will come forward to explain themselves. the prosecutors intentionally or unintentionally release information, which will make some people panic, and panic will easily make mistakes, and they will start sending messages and making phone calls. with these actions, the prosecutors have a breakthrough.

it is reported that from the time when ko wen-je's accounts were exposed to his detention and no visitors were allowed to see him, there was a rumor among the grassroots that a "jump ship" was brewing, while party officials were waiting and watching. local party officials revealed that they had received calls from supporters expressing their disappointment and questioning why the donated money was used to buy houses. as for ko's detention, in the past two days, many supporters were angry that the central party headquarters did not respond quickly enough and should take to the streets as soon as possible. former people's party legislator tsai bi-ru said that the party would go to various places to cheer up party members or supporters as much as possible.

lin jingxian, taiwan correspondent of strait herald