
typhoon makar wreaks havoc in northern vietnam


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at noon local time on september 7, the center of typhoon makar landed in the area from quang ninh province to haiphong city in vietnam. the huge wind force when the typhoon landed caused a lot of damage.

according toreporteraccording to the news, the strong winds blew down a large number of trees, power poles and network base stations, and even blew off the glass curtain walls of some high-rise buildings and overturned large cranes. in quang ninh province alone, typhoon makkal caused six ships to sink. many provinces and cities in northern vietnam experienced large-scale power outages and internet outages.

the capital hanoi welcomes widespread rainfall

on september 7th local time, affected by typhoon makar, the vietnamese capital hanoi suspended the operation of two urban light rail lines from 13:00. the resumption time will be announced after the typhoon ends based on actual conditions.

cctv reporter fu xinri:on the morning of september 7, local time, typhoon makkari began to affect vietnam, and the capital hanoi also ushered in large-scale precipitation. the commercial street behind me has closed all stalls since yesterday and suspended business. a large number of hanoi citizens went to the supermarket to buy food and items needed to stay at home on the weekend. the relevant departments of hanoi city sent text messages to citizens, reminding everyone to stay indoors as much as possible to avoid danger.

(reporter wang yufu xinri)

the third landfall! typhoon makar landed on the southern coast of quang ninh province, vietnam>>

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