
7,000 bunches of sunshine rose berries rotted, police: villagers bought pesticides to vent their anger and sprayed other people's vineyards, criminal detention!


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sunshine rose grapes were growing well and a good harvest was in sight, but suddenly a disaster struck, with large areas of dead leaves and rotten fruits. what happened? on september 7, a red star news reporter learned from the liangshan police in sichuan that recently, a villager in mianning, liangshan, sprayed pesticides on grapes planted by others to vent his anger, and was eventually detained.

▲rotten sunshine rose grapes

recently, zhang, a resident of hongxing village, mianning county, found that the grapes he had worked so hard to grow had a large area of ​​dead leaves and rotten fruits. seeing that the fruits of his hard work for half a year were about to go down the drain, zhang was very disappointed. zhang asked for help from the planting technical instructor, and after learning that it was not caused by technical reasons, he went to the fuxing police station of the mianning county public security bureau to report the case anxiously and helplessly.

after receiving the alarm, the police immediately rushed to the scene. after preliminary investigation, they suspected that it was caused by human spraying of pesticides. according to professional identification, the affected area of ​​zhang's grapes was about 1.7 acres, the number of affected grapes was about 7,000 bunches, and the direct loss was about 20,000 yuan.

due to the lack of surveillance, the perpetrators and time were unknown, which made the investigation difficult. afterwards, the fuxing police station contacted the technical office of the criminal investigation brigade of the mianning county public security bureau to rush to the scene to take samples for inspection. after identification, it was confirmed that the damage to the grapes was caused by herbicides.

the police officers sorted out and analyzed the clues, carefully combed through zhang's network of relationships, and finally locked on the suspect yang, who was then summoned to the public security agency for investigation. after interrogation, yang confessed to his crime.

according to yang, due to the personal grudge between the two, he was unhappy and wanted to vent his anger by buying pesticides to spray in zhang's vineyard. currently, yang has been detained according to law and the case is under further investigation.