
ko wen-je's hometown was covered with handcuffs, his mother was insulted as "the shame of local mothers", the police targeted her for investigation


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taiwan people's party chairman ko wen-je was ordered detained on the 5th. unexpectedly, on the 6th, a cardboard with the words "he ruiying, the shame of hsinchu local mothers, raised the corrupt ko wen-je" appeared at the gate of his hometown in hsinchu. a photo of ko in handcuffs was also posted next to the gate, and even two large strings of firecrackers were placed. on the morning of the 7th, all related items were removed. the hsinchu police stated that they have grasped the "violator" and will subsequently punish him in accordance with the "social maintenance act" and will notify him to appear in court to explain.

before the re-opening of the detention hearing for ko wen-je, ko's mother responded in an interview with the media on august 30 that she believed her child had done absolutely nothing wrong and was innocent, and also said that "it is a sin to mess around." it is understood that after ko wen-je was detained, ko's mother seemed to be temporarily living at a friend's residence, and no one had been in or out of their home in hsinchu city for several days.

however, one netizen posted a message on the social media threads, writing "it's a bit too much" and posted a photo, saying that outside ko wen-je's hometown in hsinchu, someone posted a photo of ko wen-je with his hands handcuffed and about to take a prison van to the taipei detention center. there was also a cardboard on the ground with the words "raising a corrupt criminal ko wen-je" written on it. the post also sparked heated discussions, and most netizens believed that this was inappropriate and that the elderly should not be disturbed.

the first branch of the hsinchu city police department stated that radical people had posted cards, pictures and set off firecrackers at ko wen-je's hsinchu residence. the police immediately confirmed the situation online and took the initiative to investigate. after reviewing the video surveillance, they immediately identified the offender. the case will be charged with violating the "social order maintenance act" and will be punished for harassment and posting defamatory materials.

after ko wen-je was detained, the outside world paid attention to the situation of ko wen-je's parents. people's party legislator lin guocheng revealed that ko's mother he ruiying was indignant but very strong, and ko's father ko chengfa was currently hospitalized and in very poor health. in addition, they encountered judicial suppression from ko wen-je and their family members were ill. this was a double blow to the ko family, but they were all very strong, and i hope everyone can put themselves in their shoes.

lin jingxian, taiwan correspondent of strait herald