
“green power twin stars” shine among mountains and rivers


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reporter li jing
looking down from the sky, the vast bamboo sea in tianhuangping town, anji county, huzhou city, located at the northern foot of tianmu mountain in zhejiang province, and the upper reservoir of tianhuangping pumped storage power station located among the mountains at an altitude of more than 900 meters, are like the beautiful "jiangnan tianchi". green pumped storage and ecological industrial tourism complement each other here.
as one of the first large-scale pumped-storage power stations in my country, the tianhuangping pumped-storage power station has continued to generate green power for more than 25 years. since the power generation of unit 1, it has generated 54.8 billion kwh of electricity and 68.4 billion kwh of pumped electricity, helping to stabilize the operation of the east china power grid and allowing green waters and green mountains to serve economic and social development.
back in the 1980s, with the rapid economic development of the yangtze river delta region, electricity demand soared. at that time, the installed capacity of the east china power grid was insufficient, and there was an urgent need for a storage method with large installed capacity and flexible adjustment capabilities. against this background, the east china power grid decided to build a large-capacity pumped-storage power station.
the surveyors spent nearly 10 years on site investigation, analysis and comprehensive comparison, and finally concluded that tianhuangping hill had good geological conditions and abundant water, making it the most ideal construction site at the time. with the efforts of all parties, in 1998, after 8 years of construction, the first unit of tianhuangping pumped storage power station was officially put into operation.
"the units can perform various forms of operating condition conversions during the pumping and power generation process, and provide flexible adjustment services according to system needs, to achieve safe and stable system operation and efficient use of energy resources." li changjian, a level 5 staff member of the tianhuangping pumped storage power station, introduced that after being put into operation, the tianhuangping pumped storage power station became an integral part of the east china power grid, undertaking tasks such as peak regulation, frequency regulation, and emergency standby of the east china power grid, playing an important role in improving the power structure of the east china power grid and improving the power supply quality.
in june 2022, the changlongshan pumped storage power station, which faces the tianhuangping pumped storage power station on two mountains, was fully put into operation. the total installed capacity of the power station is 2.1 million kilowatts, and the average annual power generation is 2.392 billion kilowatt-hours. it is known as the largest "power bank" in east china. so far, the "green power twins" were born, and an industrial cluster of pumped storage power stations was formed in anji, with a total installed capacity of 3.9 million kilowatts, ranking first in the world.
taking the mountains as their potential and turning water into energy, the pumped-storage power station has become a vivid portrayal of the concept that green mountains and clear waters are gold and silver mountains. it is understood that the working principle of the pumped-storage power station is to use the electricity in the low-load period of the power grid to pump water from the lower reservoir to the upper reservoir for energy storage, and when the power grid is at peak load, release the water back to the lower reservoir for power generation. during operation, the water levels of the upper and lower reservoirs increase and decrease between their normal water storage levels and dead water levels, and are circulated, achieving the purpose of peak shaving and valley filling during the conversion between pumping and generating, and realizing the reasonable allocation of power resources in time and space.
the two power stations have always practiced ecological concepts in their construction, management, and operation. for example, the road connecting the upper and lower reservoirs of the changlongshan pumped storage power station adopts a tunnel-to-open-line scheme. by opening up 14 tunnels with a total length of 9.13 kilometers, a 16.34-kilometer road connecting the upper and lower reservoirs is formed, which protects the original mountain vegetation and inherent ecological environment to the greatest extent. at the same time, 720,000 two-season azaleas were planted on the 20,000 square meters of slope behind the dam of the lower reservoir. today, vivid scenes of egrets flying and fish playing can be seen everywhere in the reservoir.
at present, the power generation and operation of the two power stations can save about 1.4383 million tons of standard coal and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 3.4381 million tons each year, further optimizing the power supply structure in east china and improving the operating conditions of the east china power grid. it is of great significance to build a clean, low-carbon, safe, reliable, smart, flexible, economical and efficient new energy system, and to help zhejiang province secure energy and electricity supply and absorb new energy such as wind power and photovoltaics.
in addition, the "green power twins" also help the development of anji's local eco-tourism industry. take daxi village, which is adjacent to the two power stations, for example. this poor mountain village, which was once blocked by traffic, has a new look. after the construction of the tianhuangping pumped storage power station started, in order to transport large equipment into the mountains, the construction party dug a tunnel through the mountains at the entrance of the village to hangzhou.
"my mother was very far-sighted. she said at the time that a power station was going to be built in the mountains, and the road must also be repaired. the whole family discussed returning to the village to open a restaurant." speaking of the decision made that year, weng jianying, the proprietress of zhongshan hotel in daxi village, smiled from ear to ear. after the power station was built, ecological industrial tourism projects were developed here, with more and more tourists, and the hotel business is getting better and better.
not only weng jianying's family, but also daxi village now has more than 200 farmhouses and homestays, and is known as the "no. 1 farmhouse village in northern zhejiang". tianhuangping has also vigorously developed ecological tourism and embarked on a green development path of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.
"during the construction of the power station, a large number of outsiders were attracted, and the town gradually began to prosper. 'tianhuangping bbq' became popular at that time." xia su, deputy mayor of tianhuangping town, introduced that now, as a well-known cultural and tourism business card of tianhuangping town, the most distinctive of which is the barbecue street on the side of "qinglaiji", the youth talent community of dayu village. during holidays, it becomes a "street that never sleeps" and is very lively.
with winding green hills and flowing green waters, the beautiful tianmu mountain has witnessed the development of the tianhuangping pumped storage power station. in the future, the "green power twins" will continue to exert their potential and provide strong support for the continued acceleration of the construction of a new power system and the realization of the "dual carbon" goals. (economic daily reporter li jing)
source: china economic net-economic daily
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