
parents in the wechat group “criticize everyone they see”, why are netizens so eager to seek comfort for the teacher?


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i hope all parents can be more rational and relaxed so that similar things will not happen again.

it’s inevitable that some annoying things will happen at the beginning of the school year, and this time, it even became a hot topic.

on september 6, according to media reports, a chat record of a wechat group of parents of a primary school class was circulated on the internet. a parent of the class complained in the group that the books his child received for the new semester were damaged, there were no individual photos for the photo session at the beginning of the school year, the class teacher ignored the parents' consultation on tutoring, and the family was scolded by the teacher for being late to pick up the child after school.

▲internet screenshot

i thought it was a big and urgent matter, but it turned out to be a trivial matter. this is not to say that trivial matters are not worth fighting for your child, but it means that you should pay attention to the occasion and time, and more importantly, you should figure out whether it is a big deal and whose business it is.

the screenshots of the wechat messages that were circulated showed that the parent was still looking for a reply from the teacher in the early morning. perhaps, as the parent said, he had "obsessive-compulsive disorder," but the more this happened, the calmer he should be. he should not lose his composure for the sake of his child. if he was eager to ask questions and fight back in the group, he would only get more and more angry and eventually lose his basic rationality. as a result, he made radical remarks and damaged his image.

this is not an isolated case. previously, there was a "zi han's mother" meme on the internet. some parents always felt that their children were neglected or targeted at school, so they attacked the teacher in the group. it can be seen that the anxiety of some parents is now projected onto their children. but in fact, the children may not care about what the parents care about, and dealing with children's problems from an adult's perspective and method may cause pressure on the children and be detrimental to their growth. some netizens pointed out that with such a mother, no one may dare to play with this child in the future. parents should reflect on this:what is truly good for children? a book and a photo are important, but the child’s character development and social situation should be paid more attention to.

some people also support this parent, believing that the class group should be bold in expressing opinions and not have to follow the teacher's orders. of course, there is no problem with this, and turning it into a group for praising is not the original intention of creating a class group. however, some of the things this parent said are unsolvable. there will always be someone to pick up the damaged textbooks, and the head teacher will not only deal with one parent. it is normal to be reminded by the teacher when picking up the child late, so it may be the parents who need to adjust their mentality. french sociologist durkheim said that people are actually people because they live in society. indeed, the world is not centered on me, and people need to accommodate and tolerate each other.

in response to this incident, the relevant staff said in an interview with the media that the principal and the vice principal had talked to the parents, and the parents were calmed down, and the child went to school normally. maybe this is the school's usual way of dealing with it, so that everything returns to "normal". but netizens do not agree. everyone can feel the teacher's embarrassment and grievances across the screen, so they feel sorry for the teacher and think that the teacher should be appeased. the reason for such urgency is nothing but a simple sense of justice. they don't want to see a teacher being "tortured" and are even more worried about the teacher being held accountable.

the concerns and calls of netizens have reminded the education department that when schools deal with similar matters, they should not only focus on the emotions of parents, but also pay attention to the situation of teachers.we often say that a teacher without professional ethics can ruin a child, but we may overlook the other side: an inappropriate parent may also hurt a teacher.

of course, netizens don’t have to be too harsh on this parent. sometimes people will do irrational things in a hurry. as long as they realize the problem and make timely adjustments, there is no need to pursue it. the parent said in the class group that he was insulted by an unknown person on wechat. such behavior of exacerbating the conflict is really unnecessary. the local education bureau also stated that a special team has been set up to coordinate and resolve the matter. please pay attention to the official notice for specific details. teachers' day is approaching. i hope this notice can comfort teachers and give respect to society. of course, i hope that all parents can be more rational and relaxed so that similar things will not happen again.

shang yingying, special commentator of red star news