
behind the fight between simba and his three sheep: is there any pure land for live streaming sales?


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recently, the "war of words" between simba's team and three sheep (brother yang) has once again pushed the live streaming e-commerce industry to the forefront.
the incident was caused by a price war over the sale of hairy crabs. the two top anchors had a fierce debate over the price of goods. this conflict not only caused fans of both sides to take sides, but also revealed the increasingly fierce competition in the live broadcast sales industry.
from simple accusations to exposing each other's secrets, simba even announced that he would take out 100 million in cash to "teach a lesson" to the three sheep and the entire industry.
on the evening of september 5, xin youzhi (xinba) posted a transfer record of 100 million yuan on his kuaishou account. the electronic online bank receipt he posted showed that the transfer was divided into two transactions, each of which was 50 million yuan, and took place on the afternoon of september 5. the payer was guangzhou xinxuan network information technology co., ltd. and the beneficiary was guangzhou xinyu network information co., ltd.
xin youzhi said that the 100 million yuan in cash was paid to the assistant of xinxuan's after-sales team. according to his previous statement, if three sheep (the mcn where crazy xiao yangge is located) did not take an "attitude" towards the problems of hair dryers, maotai, and pork with preserved vegetables that had problems in the live broadcast room within a week, he was willing to pay 100 million yuan in cash to compensate the consumers of three sheep.
at present, the public opinion incident involving simba and the three sheep is still escalating.
screenshot of simba's live video attacking xiao yangge source: internet
the only way to expose the truth is to tear each other apart?
the anchors represent the interests of the corresponding businesses. as spokespersons, they have to brag about themselves and fight with each other when they come to the stage. this is also the norm in the market economy. under the wave of news entertainment, they constantly ignite topics and grab the attention of social resources. at the same time, speaking out as a righteous person is also an important way to maintain their own presence and traffic pool.
many netizens also commented that these anchors always call each other "family" and "go to the link", and the integrity of the live broadcast room has almost become a false proposition. it is true that a large number of unknown products have become well-known products because the anchors promote them every day in the live broadcast room and on a certain red book. especially non-standard products need this kind of personalized charm as a lubricant to promote them and make them known to the world.
internet celebrities carry a huge amount of traffic, which not only squeezes out other non-head promotion channels, but also gives products a higher weight of communication. as for whether these products really have a formal traceable address, clear warranty and insurance, and perfect after-sales and compensation, it is uneven.
then, attacking the shortcomings of the product and after-sales problems is not only a means of commercial competition, but also a form of supervision by peers. regardless of whether the relevant departments will see the video or collect evidence, at least the group watching the live broadcast will be cautious. it is a good thing in itself to make the audience pay attention and avoid pitfalls. as for whether it will cause the criticized sales to drop, it depends on whether the other party's quality is stable. there is no use in war of words, just show the evidence directly. in addition, the evidence can be saved by the mobile phone. after all, no matter how excited you are, you still have to consider whether it is "three noes".
screenshot of the video of xiao yangge promoting hairy crabs sold by "mrs. crab"
the chaos in the live broadcast industry needs to be regulated
this incident of mutual malicious comments between the two anchors not only demonstrated the high-intensity competition in the live streaming e-commerce field, but also triggered discussions on industry norms and healthy competition methods.
for anchors, in order to compete for market share, they need to constantly innovate in product recommendations, prices, services, etc. however, this competition sometimes leads to friction and open conflicts among peers.the dispute between simba and the three sheep is a typical example, highlighting the fierce competition in the e-commerce live streaming field and the problems it brings.
for top anchors, they should seek more differentiated competition. such measures are one of the key strategies to attract and maintain fan groups: such as improving content innovation, interactive experience, customized services, high-quality production, and cross-border cooperation.
how can live streaming lose its bottom line? legal experts believe that the means of obtaining traffic should be within the framework of law and morality, and everyone should be responsible for their own online words and deeds.
top anchors should strictly abide by the code of conduct for online anchors and other relevant laws and regulations, safeguard national interests, public interests and the legitimate rights and interests of others, consciously fulfill social responsibilities, accept supervision by industry authorities and social supervision; adhere to the correct value orientation: spread positive energy, show truth, goodness and beauty, meet the new needs of the people for a better life, consciously abandon vulgarity, mediocrity, kitsch and other low-level interests, oppose bad phenomena such as traffic supremacy and abnormal aesthetics; improve the professionalism and credibility of live broadcast content, etc. the support of industry restraint policies can also help top anchors achieve healthy competition in the live broadcast industry, attract and maintain their own fan base, and promote the sustainable development of individuals and the industry.
for future development, the industry urgently needs to move towards standardization and diversification. strengthening supervision and issuing stricter industry standards will be an inevitable trend. at the same time, anchors also need to break away from the single price war mentality and attract consumers through diversified methods such as content innovation and brand cooperation. only in this way can the live e-commerce industry get rid of internal circulation and move towards a healthy and sustainable competitive path.
in general, the dispute between simba and xiao yangge is a microcosm of the intensified competition in the live broadcast industry, and is also a concrete manifestation of the chaos in the industry. with the strengthening of supervision and self-adjustment of the industry, live broadcast e-commerce should pay more attention to standardized operations and the establishment of consumer trust in order to achieve long-term development.
comprehensive from yangcheng evening news,, securities times, southern metropolis daily, etc.