
(focus on china-africa cooperation) china-africa "business secrets" in coffee beans


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china news service, beijing, september 4th, title: china-africa "business secrets" in coffee beans
china news service reporter liu liang
how long does it take for an african coffee bean to travel across the ocean to china?
jing jianhua, who has been engaged in the coffee business in changsha, hunan for 25 years, said that five years ago, it took at least three months; but now it can be achieved in one month or even less.
the reason behind the accelerated shipping time of african coffee beans is the continued warming of china-africa economic and trade exchanges and the accelerated implementation of a series of trade facilitation measures by china for africa.
data shows that china has maintained its position as africa's largest trading partner for 15 consecutive years. this year, china-africa trade has reached a new level. after the china-africa trade volume hit a record high for the second consecutive year in 2023, china's total imports and exports to africa in the first seven months of this year reached 1.19 trillion yuan (rmb, the same below), setting a record high for the same period in history.
the scale of china-africa trade continues to expand, thanks to china's opening of a "green channel" for african agricultural products and implementing measures such as immediate review upon application for quarantine approval, priority inspection and green inspection channels. at the same time, platforms such as the china-africa economic and trade expo and the free trade pilot zone have also allowed more african products to enter china, and coffee beans are one of them.
jing jianhua told china news service that africa is one of the world's most important coffee bean producing areas. its unique natural environment and high altitude make african coffee beans popular in the market. however, china and africa are thousands of miles apart. in the past, most of the trade had to be done through middlemen. the procurement cycle was long, the price was not affordable, and the quality of coffee beans was not stable enough. these practical difficulties often discouraged many people.
the transformation began in 2018. that year, the beijing summit of the forum on china-africa cooperation announced the implementation of the "eight major actions", among which the implementation of trade facilitation actions and the expansion of imports of african goods were key deployments. subsequently, the blueprint quickly became a reality: the china-africa economic and trade expo settled in hunan for a long time; the china (hunan) free trade pilot zone was approved, and its tasks included exploring new paths and mechanisms for china-africa economic and trade cooperation...
"compared with five years ago, african coffee beans have a smoother entry into the chinese market, which greatly saves transportation time and reduces a lot of communication costs." jing jianhua said that now with the help of government platforms, he has made many high-quality partners for african coffee beans, and the quality of the supply is more guaranteed.
at present, china's coffee business has great potential. the "2024 china urban coffee development report" shows that the scale of china's coffee industry will reach 265.4 billion yuan in 2023, and the average annual compound growth rate of the coffee industry in the past three years has reached 17.14%. it is expected to increase to 313.3 billion yuan in 2024.
"coffee is currently a sunrise industry in the chinese beverage market." xiao yongqi, the founder of jiuxiu coffee, who has been in the industry for more than 20 years, said that among the many coffee beans, african coffee beans are rich in variety, have distinct regional characteristics, and have a refreshing overall taste with floral and fruity aromas, which are loved by many consumers. at jiuxiu coffee, african coffee sales have accounted for "half of the market."
meng dongwei, secretary general of the coffee industry branch of the china forestry and environmental promotion association, pointed out that africa, as the origin of coffee, has a long history of planting and high-quality coffee beans, and is well-known around the world. china has a huge consumer market, great development potential, and outstanding advantages in the field of machinery manufacturing. through cooperation, african coffee beans can obtain stable market sales channels in china and promote local economic development. the technical cooperation between the two sides will also help africa improve coffee planting technology, improve processing conditions, increase product added value, and promote the modernization of the african coffee industry.
citrus, avocado, pepper, sesame... in addition to coffee beans, more african products have appeared on shelves in shopping malls across china. lv daliang, director of the statistics and analysis department of the general administration of customs of china, believes that china-africa economic and trade cooperation is becoming increasingly close. china needs more "african products" and africa also needs more "made in china". the prospects for the development of bilateral trade are broad.
according to yang baorong, director of the economic research office of the china-africa institute, the combined population of china and africa accounts for about one-third of the world's total population, and the china-africa cooperation market is regarded as the world's largest market. at present, both china and africa are facing the urgent task of industrial upgrading and industrialization, which will further stimulate market demand in many fields such as construction and industrial production. at the same time, given the high degree of complementarity between the chinese and african economies, under the framework of the forum on china-africa cooperation, the two sides are expected to open up more new space for economic and trade cooperation.
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