
her savings were swindled away by her agent, she was unable to have children due to illness but was spoiled to death, and became popular again with "border water memories"


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recently, a veteran actor who had not appeared in the popular suspenseful online drama "the past by the water" caught people's attention.

chen songling, once the most popular tvb actress, played the role of the wealthy woman sister rong. she didn’t have many scenes but her aura was overwhelming.

she was wearing a pink jacket, heavy makeup, and the two big gold rings on her hands were particularly dazzling;

during the card game, facing the urging of everyone, he smiled slightly, raised his wine glass lightly, tapped the rim of the glass with his fingers, and seemed to be thinking about something;

as the cards were about to be opened, sister rong first caressed wang anquan with her hands;

then he rubbed his hands together, and wang anquan, who understood what he meant, blew on the gambling card;

then, sister rong performed a seemingly fragile flip of her hands, and the bet was settled in an instant, with the whole audience in an uproar.

"you are my lucky star."

with only one line, she flirted with wang anquan in public, but she perfectly portrayed the image of sister rong as a domineering rich woman who is evil but not vulgar, erotic but not indulgent.

but even such a "rich lady" on the screen who has a strong sense of life, chen songling, once had a past like a "unlucky ghost in hell" in real life.

this young girl was forced by her mother to enter the entertainment industry to earn money to support her family. as an adult, she suffered from cancer and was unable to have children.

even more tragically, even her closest sister took away her life savings, almost driving her to suicide.

how did this "rich woman" in the play and "unlucky person" outside the play survive those hellish years?


born in the 1970s, chen songling was born in an ordinary family in hong kong and has shown a strong singing talent since childhood.

at the age of 15, she won the "sally yeh singing competition" held by tvb with the song "ten past midnight" and was fortunately signed by tvb.

in 1987, chen songling's first film debut "ghost school" was released. since then, she was ordered to drop out of school by her mother and forced to enter the entertainment industry to make money to support the family.

in 1989, chen songling became famous for her role as the "golden voice" zhou xuan in "song girl of the end of the world", and became tvb's "leading actress".

chen songling, who became famous in the film and television industry, has also not neglected her singing career.

she once studied under the famous taiwanese musician liu jiachang, and her stage name chen songling was given by her teacher.

not only did chen songling hold three solo debut concerts in hong kong, she also won the singapore most popular actress award for six consecutive years, becoming the first female artist in hong kong to receive this honor.

chen songling, whose career is on the rise, has a tense relationship with her mother.

it turns out that before chen songling was born, the chen family had already fallen into poverty.

chen songling's mother, who was greedy for wealth, treated her talented daughter as a cash cow.

in order to let chen songling enter the entertainment industry and make money earlier, he did not hesitate to let her drop out of school.

if she disobeyed, her cruel mother would beat her until her body was bruised.

after the incident was exposed, her mother was furious and kicked chen songling out of the house.

chen songling had nowhere to stay and was blacklisted by the company. fortunately, her godmother and her family took her in.

the godmother's daughter, abao, stayed with chen songling throughout her period of being banned.

since then, chen songling regarded her godmother and abao as her closest people.

it is gratifying that chen songling, who was taken in by her godmother's family, was able to be admitted to the chinese university of hong kong by working part-time and studying part-time.

after graduation, chen songling hired a bao as her agent.

not only did he hand over all the income from his acting career to abao to manage, he even transferred the ownership of the house to abao's name.

that’s not all, chen songling even needs abao’s approval for her daily expenses.

"the people closest to me hurt me the most." chen songling, who was kicked out of the house by her mother, did not expect that an even bigger blow was yet to come.


one night in 2005, her godmother's daughter, abao, unexpectedly asked chen songling to leave the house.

a bao, who was not afraid of breaking up with chen songling, also made it clear that chen songling was not allowed to take anything away.

what made chen songling even more disheartened and desperate was that all her properties were now under abao's name, and she had been willing to do so.

with reluctance and helplessness, penniless chen songling left her godmother's house, from which she had severed all ties.

chen songling, who had nowhere to stay at the time, had to stay at a fan's house.

fortunately, she met her own sister on the street and told her that her mother, who felt guilty about her, wanted her to go home.

chen songling, who finally had a home to return to, only had a "relatively good period of time" before misfortunes never come singly. her father suddenly died of illness.

chen songling, who has not yet recovered from the grief of losing her father, feels unwell again.

after examination at the hospital, she found out that she had ovarian tumor. due to financial constraints, she had to go to singapore for treatment.

what made chen songling even more disappointed was that when she woke up from the operating table, the doctor told her:i can no longer have children.

chen songling, who suffered a series of setbacks, was in a gloomy period. as chen songling later recalled:

"during that time, i often thought about dying. i wanted to end myself."

it was not until 2006, when chen songling was on the set of "blood is not cold" in shanghai, and the weather was freezing cold, that she met zhang duo, a warm-hearted man who covered her with a quilt.

in fact, the two had met at a party a long time ago.

actor zhang duo, who was 8 years younger than chen songling, fell in love with her at first sight and even bought a big bouquet of roses to express his love to her.

chen songling was worried because she was suffering from depression at the time and knew that she could not have children.

faced with zhang duo's true love confession, chen songling did not dare to accept his love.

melted by zhang duo's love, chen songling honestly told zhang duo all her worries.

however, zhang duo, who didn't mind chen songling's past, never asked chen songling why she always avoided meeting her hong kong friends.

i often accompany her out to relax, and when i notice her mood changes, i always hug her tightly in my arms at the first opportunity.

with their true love, they got married in 2011 after 5 years of love.

at that time, chen songling's depression recurred. in order to let her rest in peace, zhang duo worked hard to make money by filming movies.

no matter how the media asked about the reasons for their dink relationship, zhang duo never said that chen songling was infertile.

the reason why i insist on being a dink is because i am afraid that i will not be able to educate my children, so i don’t want to.


it was because of zhang duo's full care and meticulous attention that chen songling, who had been hurt many times, was able to get out of depression.

chen songling once said emotionally on the show "crossover singer":my husband is not only my lover but also my benefactor.

it was because of zhang duo's support and care that she was able to walk out of the darkness of her life.

it was because of zhang duo's understanding and tolerance that chen songling had the courage to stop licking the wounds of the past.

chen songling, who once appeared on the stage of "sisters who make waves", was eliminated;

but chen songling, who is still as charming as ever, also said on weibo:i want to be a 50-year-old beautiful girl!

compared with the rich woman in "border water memories", since 2022, chen songling has entered the weight loss "eliminate swelling" mode and has also hired a professional coach.

after two years of weight loss, chen songling has slimmed down to only 90 kilograms.

looking back at the hong kong stars who have appeared recently, all of them are close to 60 years old, and they are all slimming heroes, such as zhang min with rib-like breasts and amy yip with big breasts and slim waist;

there is also chen songling, who is as thin as lightning and has slightly loose skin. netizens jokingly said that she and her husband zhang duo, who is 8 years younger than her, are like two generations apart.

they have been married for more than ten years now. although they have no children, their love can withstand the passage of time.

it is said that her loving husband has already prepared a retirement plan for the two of them, and happiness is on the way!