
really vulgar or fake professional? a concert reveals daolang's true situation. no wonder they support him.


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daolang is popular again: is it really vulgar or fake professionalism? a concert reveals the fig leaf of the music industry

at the beginning of 2024, daolang, who had been silent for many years, came back with his new song "rakshasa haishi"! 40 million online concert viewers and 700 million likes, these numbers are like thunder from the ground, awakening the dull chinese music scene and also causing a lot of controversy. some people say he is a clear stream in the music scene, while others say he is a representative of vulgarity. is daolang's resurgence a return of strength or pure sentimental marketing?

1. "phenomenal" comeback: an "earthquake" caused by a concert

who is daolang? for many people born in the 80s and 90s, this name represents a memory of youth. the song "the first snow of 2002" expressed the voices of many people and pushed daolang to the peak of his career. at the peak of his career, he chose to fade out of the public eye, and this disappearance lasted for more than ten years.

at the end of 2023, daolang returned with his new song "rakshasa haishi", which quickly became a hit on the internet. the sharp satire in the lyrics and the unique musical style caused huge controversy. then, the online concert in early 2024 pushed the "daolang fever" to a climax, with 40 million viewers and 700 million likes. these numbers are enough to explain everything.

2. behind the controversy: is it really vulgar or fake professionalism?

daolang's songs have always been controversial. those who like him say that his voice is sincere and touching, and his lyrics touch people's hearts; those who don't like him criticize his music for being too simple and straightforward, lacking technical content, and even classifying it as "vulgar".

is daolang’s music vulgar or high-class?

supporters believe that daolang's songs are simple but full of true feelings. he uses the simplest language to sing the joys, sorrows, anger and happiness of ordinary people, which has aroused widespread resonance. his music does not have gorgeous arrangements or showy singing styles, but only true feelings, which is what touches people the most.

opponents believe that daolang's music is too popular and lacks depth and connotation. his lyrics are too straightforward and lack artistic conception and beauty. his music style is too simple and lacks innovation and breakthrough.

3. the daolang phenomenon: lifting the veil of the music industry?

daolang's sudden popularity is not just a musical event, but more like a mirror that reflects some problems in the current chinese music scene.

1. excessive pursuit of traffic and neglect of the essence of music

in an era where traffic is king, many music works over-pursue traffic and topics to cater to the market, while ignoring the quality and connotation of the music itself. the emergence of daolang may make more musicians reflect on what is truly good music and what is a classic worth singing.

2. the music aesthetic is monotonous and lacks inclusiveness

in today's chinese music scene, music styles tend to be homogenized, lacking diversity and inclusiveness. although daolang's music style is not recognized by some people, his success also proves that diversified music styles can meet the needs of different groups of people.

3. the music review system is unbalanced

there is a huge difference in the evaluation of daolang's music works between professional music critics and the public. this also reflects that the current music review system may be somewhat unbalanced and needs more diversified and inclusive evaluation standards.

daolang’s resurgence in popularity is both accidental and inevitable.

his success may not be replicated, but his sincerity in music, his expression of emotions, and his concern for reality are worth learning for all musicians. perhaps this is the biggest revelation that the daolang phenomenon brings to us.