
hainan issued an emergency notice, requiring thousands of pregnant women over 38 weeks to be hospitalized in advance


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jimu news reporters tang jiayan, zhang qi, cao xuejiao, yang jinying

at around 16:00 on september 6, super typhoon makar made landfall in hainan.on the 5th, many pregnant women in hainan received "point-to-point" notifications from the local health commission, hospitals, and communities, stating that they could be hospitalized free of charge if they were more than 38 weeks pregnant.a pregnant woman who was admitted to the hospital told reporters that she felt very safe.

ms. cai lives in meilan district, haikou, and is 38 weeks and 4 days pregnant. since the morning of the 5th, she has been receiving calls and text messages from the community, town and health center, suggesting that she be admitted to the hospital for delivery.

in the text message, the meilan district health commission reminded: "to ensure the life safety and physical health of pregnant women, pregnant women who are 38 weeks or older, especially those living in towns and rural areas, can go to the hospital as soon as possible to wait for delivery to avoid the typhoon affecting travel and causing life-threatening situations."

ms. cai received “point-to-point” hospitalization reminders many times (photo provided by the interviewee)

at about 1 p.m. on the 5th, the local community was worried again and notified ms. cai again, asking her to pack up and go to the hospital. ms. cai told jimu news that considering that she was still 10 days away from her due date and could give birth at any time, she moved into the double room of the haikou maternal and child health hospital with her delivery bag on the afternoon of the 5th. the hospital also provided her husband with a bed for care, and the ward and fetal monitoring were free.

ms. cai said that the beds around her were gradually filled up, and beds were added in the hospital corridors. the staff were still accepting pregnant women. although the typhoon has landed, ms. cai said that she felt very safe because her husband was by her side, the medical staff were staying in the hospital, and her parents at home could be contacted at any time by phone.

staff at the haikou maternal and child health hospital told reporters that the government will reimburse the ward expenses of pregnant women during hospitalization during typhoons, and "pregnant women who meet the requirements should come as soon as possible."

on social media platforms, many pregnant women in hainan reported that they had also received “point-to-point” notifications, and many netizens in the comment section said that they were “warmed by the government.”

on september 6, haikou experienced strong winds (source: xinhua news agency)

according to hainan daily, hainan province has started to conduct a comprehensive survey of pregnant women who have not given birth for more than 38 weeks of pregnancy since september 3, and opened a green channel for high-risk pregnant women of 38 weeks and above to ensure that all pregnant women who should be admitted are admitted. as of 3:00 p.m. on september 6, hainan province has conducted a comprehensive survey of 2,495 pregnant women who have not given birth for more than 38 weeks of pregnancy. after mobilization, 1,062 of them have been hospitalized for delivery, and 259 have given birth.



a decorative panel fell off a hospital in haikou during typhoon tian.

a doctor was knocked down, the hospital said: no life-threatening situation

the 17-level super typhoon "makar" landed in wenchang city, hainan province at around 16:00 on september 6, causing heavy rain in most areas of hainan island. that morning, at the haikou people's hospital,a doctor was knocked down by falling planks.

the video shows that at around 7:40 am on september 6, a man was riding an electric bicycle in the hospital parking lot when a piece of board suddenly fell and knocked down the man and his bicycle. several people came forward to help.

online video screenshot

on the afternoon of the 6th, staff from haikou city’s medical department told jimu news that the matter was handled by haikou people’s hospital.

the staff on duty at haikou people's hospital confirmed that the incident happened during working hours and a doctor was hit in the hospital. his injuries were not serious and his life was not in danger. the hospital's official account will also release relevant safety tips.

on the evening of the 6th, haikou people's hospital issued an important reminder:

on september 6, there was a message on the internet saying that a man in our hospital was "killed" by falling objects and "suffered comminuted fractures all over his body". after verification, this message was false information. the real situation is as follows: the man is a medical staff of our hospital. he was injured in the soft tissue of his face by falling objects when he was working in the morning. he has been cleaned and sutured, and symptomatic treatment has been given. his injury is currently stable and he is not in danger of life. our hospital will further strengthen safety management to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

when the typhoon hit, the medical staff of our hospital stayed at their posts, sacrificed their own families to protect everyone, and made every effort to protect the lives, health and safety of the people. doctors and patients worked together to overcome the difficulties of the typhoon. in particular, we remind everyone not to go out unless necessary during strong typhoons, and pay attention to the risk of falling objects from high altitudes. please stay rational, do not believe unconfirmed information, and do not make, believe or spread rumors!

hainan's hard-core response to typhoon makar:

the hotel adds iron cover to the glass door

before the typhoon arrived, shopping malls and hotels in many places in hainan also carried out "hardcore" wind prevention and control in advance. a shopping mall in haikou rented a large truck in advance to block the door from the wind, and many hotels installed iron "protective covers" outside the gate. the hilton hotel in haikou set up a three-dimensional iron "shell" outside the glass door, prepared a large number of sandbags for waterproofing, and reinforced the coconut trees outside the hotel. on the 6th, staff from relevant departments of the hotel also stayed at the hotel to do a good job of wind prevention.

the hotel sets iron cover for glass doors source: haikou hilton official microblog

previously, in order to prevent "capricorn", the haikou meteorological bureau's hard-core wind-proof action of sealing the door unexpectedly went viral. in response, the haikou meteorological department responded that "in the face of natural disasters, it is better to 'make a fuss' than to take chances, and it is better to use empty defenses than to break defenses."

according to hainan radio and television, in order to reduce the damage caused by the typhoon, some residents moved hundreds of chickens and several cars into their houses to avoid the wind. according to other media reports, some local residents in wenchang, hainan, used steel pipes thicker than their arms to prop up the door of their rooms in advance.

residents drove the chicks into the house (source: video screenshot)

residents drove their cars into their houses to protect themselves from the typhoon (source: video screenshot)

according to news released by guangdong, as of 11:00 on september 6, many cities and counties in zhanjiang and maoming, guangdong, issued red typhoon warning signals, and many places in gaozhou and yangxi issued orange typhoon warning signals. yangjiang, maoming, zhanjiang and other places in guangdong implemented "five stop" measures such as suspension of work, suspension of operation, and suspension of classes, and guangdong and hainan closed many toll stations. affected by "makar", high-rise residential buildings may shake during the typhoon.

(reporters: tang jiayan, zhang qi, cao xuejiao, yang jinying)