
send "chili flowers" to students upon admission, colleges and universities welcome freshmen with a full sense of ceremony


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on september 5, the "i am studying in changsha" series of activities came to hunan technology and business university. student yin participated in the event and won a bunch of "chili flowers". photo/reporter xiao tianjian
intern reporter zhong jinhan reports from changsha
what kind of city is changsha?
passionate, "internet-savvy", "young-friendly"... these are the comments of netizens on changsha. in september, the start of the school year, changsha's colleges and universities welcomed new faces. for the freshmen of hunan technology and business university, what kind of city is changsha?
take the first photo in college
on september 5, the reporter walked into hunan university of commerce and industry, and the first thing he saw was a "blue landscape": a number of "campus welcome service buses" specially prepared for freshmen drove into the campus. these "special buses" only travel on campus and only carry freshmen and their parents. the purpose is to provide more convenient services to freshmen and their parents who have just arrived at the school and are unfamiliar with the place.
when we got near the welcome point, the atmosphere became noticeably more lively: in order to give the freshmen and their parents a richer and more interesting enrollment experience, the school set up a "first photo in college" shooting area here, with a dedicated person responsible for assisting the freshmen and their parents in taking photos.
at the orientation point, the reporter found a somewhat special group. the four members of this group are relatively young, which is in sharp contrast with the surrounding "parents with children" configuration. after asking, the reporter learned that the new student in the four-member group is named huang, and will soon study in the school of economics and trade. the students accompanying huang are her own brothers and sisters.
"her parents are both out of town and can't come to send her to school this time. they asked us to take more photos and videos along the way." ms. li, huang's cousin, told reporters, "the school's creative welcome is very humanistic and fresh. i hope our sister can have a happy meal and happy classes in changsha!"
student li from the school of intelligent engineering and manufacturing was "surrounded" by his family when he came to register for admission.
"my child's mother, second aunt, cousin and i all came to send him off to college. the whole family took a photo together. this photo is worth commemorating and has a sense of 'ritual'!" said li's father.
"chili flower" and mung bean soup
in addition to taking their first group photo at the university, the freshmen also received a "warm" and unexpected gift - a "pepper bouquet" and chopped peppers and fermented tofu, which are representative of hunan's specialties.
"this bouquet of 'chili flowers' is very changsha-esque!" said yin, a student from the school of public administration and human geography. "it's much more interesting than traditional welcome gifts!" yin's father also took the opportunity to express his best wishes to his daughter: "i hope my daughter's university life will be as prosperous as this 'chili bouquet'!"
in addition to the lively welcome ceremony, there is also a touch of coolness on campus.
the dormitory managers of hunan university of commerce started serving herbal tea at the welcome point early in the morning to dispel the heat of the scorching sun for the new students and their parents.
aunt zhou, the dormitory manager, said that every year at the beginning of the school year, they would transform into "herbal tea warriors" and make their own mung bean soup and herbal tea to welcome new students. in winter, they would make ginger soup for students. "the weather is too hot, so we want to do something for the children and their parents." aunt zhou said with a smile, "since they have come to changsha to study at university, we will take care of the students as if they were our own children."
give freshmen a "unique" sense of ceremony
hunan university of commerce also provided a specially customized "college back-to-school gift package" for freshmen this year.
zhang jiapei, secretary of the youth league committee of the school of public administration and human geography, told reporters that in order to give freshmen a "unique" sense of ceremony, the school specially communicated with the students before the start of school, and wrote different postcard messages based on each student's wishes for the start of school.
in addition, the school customized a heat-insulating coffee cup for each student, with the student's name and the school logo printed on it. "because the freshmen have to undergo military training, considering their drinking water needs, it is also very practical to equip them with a heat-insulating cup," said zhang jiapei.
source: xiaoxiang morning news
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