
hunan releases 50 typical application scenarios of artificial intelligence, all of which have been built


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our province released 50 typical application scenarios of artificial intelligence
all scenes have been built, with a total investment of over 1.5 billion yuan
huasheng online news, september 6 (all-media reporter xie zhuofang, correspondent xu jianghui) recently, the provincial department of industry and information technology released the 2024 "intelligent empowerment of ten thousand enterprises" hunan province's artificial intelligence empowerment of new industrialization typical application scenarios list, lens technology's "standardized intelligent monitoring of production operations based on artificial intelligence" and other 50 application scenarios were selected.
the 50 typical ai application scenarios selected this time have all been built and applied, with a total investment of over 1.5 billion yuan. among them, there are 29 application scenarios with an investment of over 10 million yuan. the selected application scenarios involve the intelligent upgrading of key industries such as equipment manufacturing, raw materials, consumer goods, and electronic information, mainly including intelligent r&d design, intelligent production and manufacturing, intelligent operation and management, and ai large model empowerment of industry.
the selected enterprises started from key links and deeply applied artificial intelligence technology, achieving remarkable results in reducing costs and increasing efficiency. for example, bosch automotive components (changsha) co., ltd. created an application scenario of "intelligent maintenance system based on ai big model", realizing the conversion function from text to pictures, videos and pictures to text, which can more intuitively understand and solve problems encountered in the equipment maintenance process, thereby greatly reducing maintenance time and costs.
a relevant person in charge of the provincial department of industry and information technology said that the release of this batch of typical application scenarios will create a demonstration effect throughout the province and promote the integrated application of artificial intelligence technology in the entire manufacturing process and key industries in the industrial field.
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