
reporter's talk about shandong|building and sharing a civilized and happy online circle


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not long ago, the 2024 china internet civilization conference with the theme of "carrying forward the spirit of the times and building internet civilization" was held in chengdu, sichuan province. at the conference, guests from all walks of life exchanged experiences in building internet civilization, discussed cultivating civilized trends in cyberspace, and promoted the power of internet civilization, providing rich civilization nourishment and strong spiritual support for the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation.
positive energy lights up the cyberspace. the greatest peace of mind for people is the "small happiness" that is within their reach. promote small kindness and great love, tell good examples, and let the tiny candlelight of ordinary people's good deeds become the guiding light that lights up the cyberspace. see the big from the small, see the big from the small, lead the cyberspace with positive voices, mainstream values, and advanced culture, use texts, pictures, audio and video to depict vivid and simple examples of great love, sing touching scenes of dedication, and guide people's conscious actions of upward and goodness through a series of activities with diverse forms and rich content, and organically integrate with high-quality production and life. only at all times and in every little bit can we deeply inspire emotional resonance and effectively enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness and security in cyberspace.
large traffic gathers ideological consensus. the "statistical report on the development of china's internet" shows that as of june 2024, the number of internet users in my country will be nearly 1.1 billion, an increase of 7.42 million from december 2023, and the internet penetration rate will reach 78.0%, forming the world's largest network society. maintaining the network ecology and maintaining data security is the common responsibility of the whole society. sharing network civilization and building a clear space have become a clear consensus that has been widely gathered. at the main forum of the conference, four groups of representative families in the field of network civilization construction presented the results of family network civilization construction in the form of scenario interpretation, and issued an initiative to "carry forward good family traditions and build network civilization together" to the whole society. promote the idea and action of everyone participating in network civilization, everyone is responsible, and everyone shares it. through the promotion of concepts, popularization of knowledge, and promotion of skills, people can be educated and improved in their personal experience, and jointly build a beautiful spiritual home on the internet.
actively practice the people-centered development philosophy, focus on the overall situation, benefit the people, work together, closely benchmark the construction of a cyber power, occupy the cyber position with scientific theories, advanced culture, and mainstream values, and guide the majority of netizens to resonate with their thoughts, emotions, and actions, so as to surge the traffic with positive energy, play the strongest sound with the main melody, and continuously gather great power for the advancement of chinese-style modernization. (text/zhang minmin li feng)