
first lesson of the new semester: secretary of the cpc guangdong university of foreign studies shi youqi advises freshmen to be “big” guangdong university of foreign studies students


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the golden wind brings the cool breeze and a new chapter begins. from september 4th to 5th, the opening ceremony for the 2024 freshmen of guangdong university of foreign studies was held in the gymnasium of the university town campus and baiyun mountain campus respectively. shi youqi, secretary of the party committee of guangdong university of foreign studies, encouraged the freshmen to be fighters, doers and dreamers of the new era with the theme of "remember the original intention of studying and bravely shoulder the mission of the times to be a 'big' guangdong university of foreign studies, and pursue dreams with a fighting attitude and create the future with a spirit of hard work. president yan xiangbin presided over the opening ceremony.
shi youqi mentioned in his speech that guangdong university of foreign studies is a high-level university with a broad "background", a grand "knowledge" and a far-reaching "pattern". he encouraged the students to keep in mind their original aspirations for studying, bravely shoulder the mission of the times, and be a "big" guangdong university of foreign studies. to this end, he put forward four hopes: first, he hopes that the students can find the right direction in the great era and become a guangdong university of foreign studies with lofty ideals. closely link personal ideals with the future and destiny of the motherland and the nation, run hard with the attitude of strengthening the country and being young and promising, and strive to accomplish a new career and break into a new world.
secondly, i hope that students can hone their moral character in a great environment and become a broad-minded guangwai student. they can constantly hone themselves, consolidate their moral foundation, cultivate noble sentiments, and be determined to pursue a life with higher levels, higher realms, and higher taste.
third, i hope that students can integrate knowledge and practice in the classroom and become a capable gdufs student. they should be good at learning from books, practice and role models, transform experience into ability, sublimate knowledge into skills, and lay a solid foundation for their future life.
fourth, i hope that students will strive to be the first in the big stage and become a guangwai student with a broad vision. they will shed their childishness in the process of hard work, gain courage in overcoming difficulties, accumulate confidence in climbing uphill and overcoming obstacles, show their heroism in the fierce competition in the future, strive to be the first and surpass themselves. "i hope that students will become fighters, doers and dreamers in the new era, pursue their dreams with a fighting attitude, and create the future with a spirit of hard work."
yan xiangbin extended his heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to the new students. he believed that entering university would give students a broader stage, more opportunities, and greater responsibilities. he hoped that students would explore, grow, and strive for success at guangdong university of foreign studies, and contribute their youthful strength to the realization of the chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the chinese nation and write a brilliant chapter in their lives.
teacher representative and dean of the school of spanish, yang xiaomin, said in her speech, “without experiencing darkness, you will not see light; without experiencing ups and downs, life will be less exciting; without feeling pain, you will not get true happiness and joy.” she used the three keywords “la paix (peace)”, “l’amour (love)” and “la lumiere (light)” to encourage students to walk the right path in life and become their own light, the light of their teachers and the light of guangdong university of foreign studies.
teacher representative and dean of the school of finance, zhan kai, suggested that students should develop the ability to study intensively, the ability to think independently and critically, good communication skills, and noble moral sentiments during their university years. he hopes that students can always maintain their curiosity, explore unknown areas, and become well-rounded high-quality talents.
chen huishan, a senior student representative and a 2021 undergraduate student from the school of english language and culture, shared her experience of joining the army and changing from "camouflage green" to "volunteer red". she said that young people at guangdong university of foreign studies should closely combine their personal growth and success with the prosperity and development of the country.
zheng wanyi, a freshman representative, a graduate student of the school of english education, and a member of the guangdong university of foreign studies graduate teaching team, shared her feelings about teaching in xinjiang. she encouraged the students to take the love for their country as the foundation, the strength of struggle as the key, and the good character as the basis.
li yunhao, a representative of the freshmen and a 2024 undergraduate student from the school of asian and african languages ​​and cultures, said that on the journey of youth to make the country strong, students of guangdong university of foreign studies should ask questions with a sense of mission and answer them with sweat. they should dialogue with growth and crown their youth in every day they spend with guangdong university of foreign studies, constantly achieve the best version of themselves, and go all out in every bloom.
it is worth mentioning that professor dai jianye, the "person of the year who moved china" and the chief expert of the yunshan studio for the construction of the discipline of international communication of chinese culture at guangdong university of foreign studies, gave a unique lecture to the freshmen, which won thunderous applause and cheers from the audience. he started his lecture with the theme of "how to spend college life in the chatgpt era", reviewed the story of his relationship with the chinese department in a humorous tone, and explained in a simple and easy-to-understand way that "doing a job you like is luck, and liking the job you do is a skill." dai jianye focused on answering the questions "in the face of the artificial intelligence revolution, how should we study in college? what kind of self-design should we make in our lives?" he encouraged students to lay a solid professional foundation and build self-confidence; update their way of thinking, improve their thinking ability, and learn to use knowledge flexibly; cultivate team spirit while maintaining their own unique personality; constantly adjust in the process of trial and error to become a better self.
text丨reporter chen liang intern su liqicorrespondent yang xinphoto provided by the school