
british media: in order to counter china in the indo-pacific region, the united states, britain and australia will announce the launch of consultations for japan to join the "ocus"


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[global times report] according to a report by the financial times on the 7th, the united states, britain and australia will launch consultations on the inclusion of new members in aukus. washington is pushing japan to join this security alliance targeting china.
according to the report, according to people familiar with the matter, the defense ministers of the "ocus" countries will announce on the 8th that they will launch expansion discussions related to the alliance's "second pillar" plan, involving cooperation in technologies such as undersea capabilities and hypersonic weapons.
according to the report, analysts believe that japan will be included in the "pillar 2" plan. us ambassador to japan rahm emanuel said this week that japan "is about to become the first new pillar 2 partner". some people in the us government privately welcomed emanuel's statement, hoping that this would increase the impetus for japan to join okus. however, his remarks also caused dissatisfaction among some people in the united states, japan, britain and australia, because the parties did not reach a consensus on this.
the report said that for several months, australia and the united kingdom have been opposed to inviting japan to join now, partly because they want to focus on solving the existing complex problems in trilateral cooperation. this has caused debate among allies and within the us government. regarding what is expected to be published on the 8th, biden, albanese and sunak once intended to issue a joint statement to expand their influence. but they finally chose to let the secretary of defense announce the move.
the report mentioned that us president biden will hold talks with japanese prime minister fumio kishida at the white house on the 10th, and will hold a trilateral summit between the united states, japan and the philippines on the 11th. the "okus" statement expected to be issued on the 8th may pave the way for biden and kishida to mention japan's future participation in "okus" after the summit.
the report said that there is also debate in japan regarding japan's participation in okus. although tokyo has always been a staunch supporter of okus, some japanese officials are cautious about making too strong demands to join okus, considering the internal divisions among okus member states. kishida said in an interview with the financial times and other media on the 5th that japan has not yet made a formal decision on how to cooperate with okus in the future.
in response to okus, a spokesperson for the chinese ministry of foreign affairs previously stated that the so-called "trilateral security partnership" established by the united states, britain and australia is essentially to provoke military confrontation through military cooperation. it is a typical cold war mentality, which increases the risk of nuclear proliferation, intensifies the arms race in the asia-pacific region, and undermines regional peace and stability. china and many countries in the region have expressed serious concern and opposition to this. any attempt to expand and upgrade the military cooperation between the united states, britain and australia is a step in a more dangerous direction, which will only cause greater concerns among regional countries and the international community. we urge the united states, britain and australia to abandon the cold war mentality, faithfully fulfill their international obligations, and stop creating greater troubles for regional peace and stability.