
the control of xiyu tourism is expected to change, and the xinjiang uygur autonomous region state-owned assets supervision and administration commission will become the new actual controller


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on the evening of september 6, xiyu tourism (300859) announced that its controlling shareholder tianchi holdings and xinjiang culture and tourism investment group co., ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "xinjiang culture and tourism investment") signed a "voting rights entrustment intention agreement". tianchi holdings will exclusively, free of charge, irrevocably, exclusively and solely entrust the voting rights of 36.642 million shares held by it (accounting for 23.64% of the company's total share capital) to xinjiang culture and tourism investment to exercise.

xiyu tourism stated that the signing of the "voting rights assignment intention agreement" between tianchi holdings and xinjiang culture and tourism investment is not intended to terminate the company's listing status, will not lead to major changes in the company's main business, does not harm the interests of listed companies and other shareholders, and does not violate relevant commitments.

before this voting rights delegation, tianchi holdings was the controlling shareholder of xiyu tourism, and the actual controller of xiyu tourism was fukang municipal finance bureau. if this voting rights delegation is successfully completed, tianchi holdings will still have 5% of the voting rights of xiyu tourism, and fukang municipal finance bureau will no longer be the actual controller of the company. xinjiang cultural tourism investment will become the single largest shareholder with the largest voting rights in xiyu tourism, and will have 23.64% of the voting rights in xiyu tourism, becoming the controlling shareholder of xiyu tourism. the xinjiang uygur autonomous region state-owned assets supervision and administration commission will become the actual controller of the company, and the company's control will change.

after the completion of this voting rights delegation, the controlling shareholder xinjiang culture and tourism investment and its joint actor tianchi holdings will collectively own 28.64% of the voting rights of xiyu tourism.

since the beginning of this year, the number of tourists to major tourist destinations in xinjiang has continued to rise. the tianchi mayashhan scenic area, tianchi cruise sightseeing, and wucai bay ancient sea hot spring scenic area, all of which are operated and managed by xiyu tourism, have maintained high popularity, helping xiyu tourism to achieve year-on-year revenue growth and continued profitability.

according to the semi-annual report, in the first half of this year, xiyu tourism achieved operating income of 104 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 9.14%; net profit was 29.3712 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 4.58%.

among the main business segments, in the first half of the year, xiyu tourism's passenger operating revenue increased by 11.44% year-on-year to 69.045 million yuan, contributing nearly 70% of the revenue; cableway transportation revenue decreased by 19.01% year-on-year to 14.9893 million yuan; cruise ship revenue increased by 38.17% year-on-year to 11.5719 million yuan.

it is worth noting that in the first half of this year, the low-altitude economy has attracted attention from the capital market. due to the layout of the low-altitude economic business, the share price of xiyu tourism has risen by nearly 70% in 4 months. in 2023, xiyu tourism and ehang intelligent jointly invested in the establishment of xiyu bluebird general aviation co., ltd. to carry out low-altitude sightseeing projects. according to the plan, xiyu bluebird plans to operate no less than 120 eh-216s or similar manned autonomous aircraft in the next five years.

when xiyu tourism was interviewed by investors in june this year, it stated that the company currently has five eh-216s unmanned manned aircraft in place and is conducting flight training and personnel training before commercial operations. the relevant approval procedures for the xiyu bluebird project are also being processed in accordance with the law.
