
a college in wenzhou rented a ladder to help freshmen move their luggage. it only takes 15 seconds to get from the 1st floor to the 6th floor.


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students' luggage is carried by ladders. all pictures in this article are provided by the interviewed school
on september 5, wenzhou institute of technology rented two ladders to help freshmen move their luggage on registration day. it only takes 15-20 seconds to move from the 1st floor to the 6th floor.
this year, wenzhou institute of technology has 3,357 new students from 16 provinces. "the weather is very hot, and the dormitory building has 6 floors. the logistics service department has adopted the method of manual handling on the lower floors and using ladders on the 3rd floor and above. two ladders were rented and placed in front of the 4 dormitory buildings with the largest number of new students, one for each of the male and female dormitories. eight workers and 600 old student volunteers were organized to help." wu xiaohu, deputy chief of the comprehensive section of the logistics and infrastructure management office of the school, told the paper ( that student volunteers first collected and marked the luggage to be moved, and the ladders were sent to the corresponding windows on each floor. volunteers on each floor then redistributed the luggage to the new students. this is the third year that the school has used ladders to help new students move their luggage.
using a ladder to transport luggage, it only takes 15-20 seconds to get from the 1st floor to the 6th floor.
"a ladder can carry 12-13 pieces of luggage at a time. girls have relatively more luggage, so this year we widened the ladder used in the girls' dormitory, which can carry 16-17 pieces of luggage at a time." wu xiaohu introduced that assuming the corridor is not congested, it takes 6-7 minutes for students to carry their luggage from the 1st floor to the 6th floor, but it only takes 15-20 seconds with the ladder, and 30 seconds at the slowest. moreover, the ladder can carry more than a dozen pieces of luggage at a time, which greatly improves efficiency, prevents students from heatstroke, alleviates corridor congestion, and reduces safety hazards.
many of the student volunteers are from science and engineering majors such as mechanical engineering and vehicle engineering. "we are a science and engineering, application-oriented college. for science and engineering students, helping freshmen use ladders to move their luggage is also an opportunity to observe and learn, inspiring them to apply their professional knowledge to solve practical social problems." wu xiaohu told the paper, "as a logistics service department, we rent ladders to help freshmen move their luggage. the main consideration is to put students first and let freshmen feel the warmth of the school from the moment they enter the school." in addition to using ladders to move luggage, the school also provides free unlimited cold drinks in the cafeteria, and puts mung bean soup and fu tea at the freshman registration area for parents and students to cool off. traffic police on duty in high temperatures nearby occasionally come to drink a bowl.
the paper reporter yang jiayin
(this article is from the paper. for more original information, please download the "the paper" app)