
on the 9th "china charity day", 7 streets in dongcheng district set up a pilot charity fund


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september 5th is the ninth "china charity day". on that day, dongcheng district held a "china charity day" publicity event and launched the "first charity dongcheng zijin warm sun" campaign.dongcheng district will carry out pilot projects in seven streets including dongsi and jingshan, establish street-level or community-level charity special funds through charitable organizations with public fundraising qualifications, and set up a fund management committee to ensure the efficient and safe use of charity special funds.
the theme of this year's "china charity day" is "adhere to virtue, be kind and promote charity in accordance with the law". on that day, the dongcheng district civil affairs bureau and the district charity association held charity fairs, theme exhibitions, and folk art parties to showcase dongcheng's charity culture and attract residents to participate in charity.
in the project display area, a "xianxian grocery store" attracted the attention of residents. this is a community charity project jointly carried out by jingshan street and caring enterprises. through the donation of idle items and charity sales, funds are raised for community governance and people's livelihood protection in the street. in the nearly half a year since the project was launched, it has attracted more than 400 people to participate and raised more than 40,000 yuan in donations.
dongsi street focuses on the assistance needs of disadvantaged groups and established the country's first street-level special charity trust for common prosperity last year.the charitable trust has set up nine assistance projects, providing assistance to the elderly, the disabled, the poor, and students, benefiting 131 people in need and achieving precise matching of assistance needs and service resources.
in order to gather charitable forces and promote the standardized and normalized development of charitable undertakings, dongcheng district officially launched the "first kindness dongcheng zijin warm sunshine" campaign. the first batch of selected projects include "filial piety guardian" charity to help the elderly, and the healthy growth of children in difficult situations.
in order to vigorously develop community charity, dongcheng district will also vigorously develop charitable trusts, cultivate public welfare and charity social organizations, and establish charitable special funds to solve residents' "urgent needs". it is understood that street social service agencies can establish street-level or community-level charitable special funds through charitable organizations with public fundraising qualifications, set up fund management committees, standardize fundraising and use processes, approval procedures, and supervision mechanisms to ensure the efficient and safe use of charitable special funds. by regularly announcing the income and expenditure of charitable special funds to residents in the area, ensure that the operation of charitable special funds is open and transparent. at present, dongcheng district has identified seven streets, including dongsi, jingshan, dongzhimen, chongwenmenwai, yongdingmenwai, longtan, and tiantan, to carry out pilot work.
it is understood that dongcheng district has fully utilized the advantages of hub-type charity organizations around the two major themes of grassroots social governance and basic livelihood security, continued to carry out charity relief projects, actively developed new carriers of community charity, and continuously polished the dongcheng charity brand. so far, the dongcheng district charity association has raised a total of 23.8413 million yuan in social funds, with social materials worth 10.31 million yuan, implemented 39 charity projects, and benefited more than 50,000 people in need.