
well-known russian political scientist: beijing summit of the forum on china-africa cooperation demonstrates china's good reputation in africa


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china youth daily client moscow, september 5 (china youth daily, china youth network russian correspondent zhao qi) on september 5, chinese president xi jinping attended the opening ceremony of the beijing summit of the forum on china-africa cooperation at the great hall of the people in beijing and delivered a keynote speech entitled "joining hands to promote modernization and build a community with a shared future", announcing that in the next three years, china is willing to work with africa to promote the ten major partnership actions for modernization, deepen china-africa cooperation, and lead the modernization of the "global south". this move has aroused enthusiastic response from the international community.
on issues related to china-africa relations and china-africa cooperation, vladimir shapovalov, a well-known russian political scientist and associate professor of the department of comparative politics at the moscow institute of international relations of the russian ministry of foreign affairs, gave an exclusive interview to a reporter from china youth daily and china youth network.
vladimir shapovalov, associate professor of the department of comparative politics at the moscow state institute of international relations of the russian ministry of foreign affairs. photo provided by the interviewee
reporter: this summit is the fourth time that the forum on china-africa cooperation has been held in the form of a summit, following the 2006 beijing summit, the 2015 johannesburg summit and the 2018 beijing summit. how do you evaluate this beijing summit?
vladimir shapovalov: more than 50 african countries participated in the beijing summit of the forum on china-africa cooperation. this is the largest home diplomacy held by china in recent years with the most foreign leaders in attendance. in the past few years, china-africa practical cooperation has continued to deepen, and cooperation in various fields has yielded fruitful results, effectively contributing to the common development of china and africa. the forum on china-africa cooperation summit was held in beijing again after 6 years, which effectively demonstrated china's good reputation and positive influence among african countries.
reporter: china is the largest developing country in the world, and africa is the continent with the highest concentration of developing countries. from a perspective beyond economic cooperation, what other important and far-reaching significance do you think china-africa cooperation has?
vladimir shapovalov: if we look beyond economic cooperation, for most african countries, china is not only an important economic and trade partner, but also an important partner to balance the influence of the "neo-colonialism" of the united states and other western countries. whether in the economic field, culture, security and other fields, the cooperation provided by china to african countries is mutually beneficial and win-win, and china highly respects the independent choices of african countries.
on this point, china and russia share the same philosophy on developing relations with african countries. we both firmly support african countries in pursuing an independent development path and oppose any form of "neo-colonialism". china and russia are both reliable friends and sincere partners of african countries in maintaining their independence and promoting economic development.
reporter: on january 1, 2024, the number of brics member states increased from 5 to 10, including three african countries: south africa, egypt and ethiopia. what do you think of china-africa cooperation under the brics cooperation framework?
vladimir shapovalov: the formal expansion of brics to 10 member countries meets the common expectations of the vast majority of developing countries and emerging market countries, conforms to the historical trend of world multipolarization, and demonstrates the bright prospects of the brics cooperation mechanism. with the accession of ethiopia and egypt, more and more african countries are eager to become a member of the brics, which once again demonstrates the positive role played by china in the foreign policy of african countries. we have reason to expect that china-africa cooperation will play a more active role under the framework of the brics mechanism and promote the development of the international order in a more just and reasonable direction.
source: china youth daily client