
the 2nd world film industry conference was launched in macau to build a new future for asian films and celebrate the 25th anniversary of macau's return to china


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recently, the highly anticipated world film industry conference was officially launched in macau. the conference announced that the second world film industry conference will be held simultaneously in galaxy macau and los angeles from october 23 to 24, 2024, with the theme of "building a common future for asian films". this conference will not only bring together elites from the global film industry, but also invite global media to conduct live coverage, becoming another international showcase of the image of the guangdong-hong kong-macao greater bay area and the charm of china.

this year marks the 25th anniversary of macau's return to the motherland. the holding of the world film industry conference has added more cultural connotations and international influence to this important moment. as one of the important venues for this conference, macau's unique geographical location, rich cultural resources and prosperous development after its return to the motherland will add a different style to the conference.

the conference will focus on the current situation, challenges and opportunities of the asian film market, as well as how to strengthen cooperation and seek common development in the context of globalization. the guests will include internationally renowned film producers, directors, actors, and leaders in all aspects of the film industry. they will discuss the future development direction of the asian film industry in the first-class venue of galaxy macau.

at the same time, los angeles, as an important center of the global film industry, will also bring an international perspective and cutting-edge industry dynamics to the conference. the simultaneous holding of the two locations will make the conference more global and influential, and further promote the exchange and cooperation between the asian film industry and the international market.

the conference also pays special attention to the display of the image of the guangdong-hong kong-macao greater bay area. as an important engine for china's economic development, the guangdong-hong kong-macao greater bay area has also made remarkable achievements in the film industry in recent years. the conference will showcase the film industry strength, innovative achievements and cultural charm of the guangdong-hong kong-macao greater bay area to the world through various forms, and further promote the internationalization of the film industry in the region.

with live coverage from global media, the world film industry conference will become an important window to showcase the achievements of macao in the 25th anniversary of its return to the motherland. major global media organizations will send senior journalists and filming teams to conduct live coverage of the conference, conveying the latest developments of the asian film industry, the unique charm of the guangdong-hong kong-macao greater bay area, and the prosperity and development of macao after its return to the motherland to the world.

the world film industry conference is headquartered in macau. it is a non-profit neutral organization jointly initiated by the macau international film industry research center, the macau world film industry association, the macau film workers association, and the china film research institute. it aims to build an international platform for the interconnection between chinese and world films and a chinese platform for the shared destiny of the global film industry. the goal of the conference is to create a "davos forum" in the field of world film culture.

the first world film industry conference has successively planned and hosted the global screenwriting creation forum, the second macau forum, the world film industry conference 2022 annual meeting, the global film academy deans forum, the global film producers summit, the global audiovisual technology forum, the china-us cultural industry summit, the first macau five continents film festival golden lihua award selection, the global ministers & ambassadors forum, the world film industry conference macau summit, the world film festival presidents forum, the third china cultural power forum, the global film capital forum, the global smart media conference canada summit, the global smart media conference macau summit, the second macau five continents film festival awards ceremony and other 16 large-scale film culture and media forums, summits, selection and award ceremonies.

the launch of the world film industry conference not only marks that the asian film industry has entered a new stage of development. with the deepening of globalization, the asian film industry is facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges. this conference will provide valuable ideas and directions for the future development of the asian film industry, and will also contribute asian wisdom and strength to the prosperity and development of the global film industry. it also adds a strong cultural atmosphere and international color to the celebration of the 25th anniversary of macau's return to the motherland. we look forward to gathering with colleagues from the global film industry at galaxy macau and los angeles from october 23 to 24, 2024, to witness the glorious moments of the asian film industry and build a new chapter in the future of asian films!