
many places are hot! some children are so hot that they have nosebleeds... a school in changsha: not installing air conditioning is to cultivate the hard-working spirit of primary school students


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recently, parents in chengdu, sichuan, wuhan, hubei, changsha, hunan, huangshan, anhui and other places posted on social platforms,due to the hot weather, the primary and secondary schools where the children are studying have no air conditioning and cannot attend classes normally. some schools have purchased ice cubes and placed them in the classrooms.some parents even organized themselves to deliver ice cubes to their children's classes to cool down the heat.on september 4, the reporter interviewed parents and education departments in several cities on this issue.

can air conditioners be installed uniformly? the answer is no.for example, the education department of kaifu district in changsha responded to reporters that current policies, electricity, funding and other difficulties do not support the unified installation of air conditioners.

a school staff member in changsha told reporterscurrently, all primary schools in kaifu district have no air conditioners installed. whether to install air conditioners requires the education department to make a comprehensive assessment.and said,the purpose of not using air conditioning is to "cultivate the spirit of hard work and perseverance among primary school students."

xiangtan education bureau: "parents donating air conditioners" is true

the school will be dealt with seriously

recently, some parents reported on social media that due to the hot weather, tianyi jinxia primary school in xiangtan county, hunan provincerequest parentsdonated air conditioners to the school. on september 5, according to the official douyin account of hunan province xiangtan county media integration center "china lotus village", the xiangtan county education bureau issued a report on the said the relevant situation was true and the school had been ordered to repurchase the donated air conditioners.

the full text of the notice is as follows:

previously,onlinea copy signed by "tianyi jinxia primary school"the "agreement on donating air conditioners by parents of students" stipulates that parents of students donate air conditioners for classrooms.the donor is responsible for the installation, sockets and wiring, and the electricity bill will be settled and submitted to the school by the donor on was also mentioned that the recommended brands are gree and midea.
source: social media account of the person involved
a teacher from tianyi jinxia primary school once responded to netizens saying,the activity of asking parents to donate air conditioners was organized by the parent-teacher association, and the school was not involved.xiangtan county education bureauthe staff also told reporters thatthe donation of air conditioners was initiated by the parents' committee and is purely voluntary. the education bureau will not make any unified arrangements.the school will not force the organization.
the staff member said that the state does not require schools to install air conditioners in classrooms, and there is no such thing as asking parents to pay for it because the government has no money."if parents disagree, they can report it directly to the pta. it's okay to reject it directly."
according to jinyun, the xiangtan county education bureau said that if every classroom was equipped with air conditioners, the school's circuits might not be able to support them, and said, "if parents disagree, they can refuse, and the school cannot organize it in a unified manner."

“i can’t stand it anymore”

some children have nosebleeds due to the heat

on september 2, at the north campus of chengdu normal university yindu zither primary school in chengdu hi-tech zone, the open space outside the classroom was filled with blue and red plastic buckets, each containing huge cubes of ice.
"this is the most in-demand commodity in the entire market, ice." a teacher who recorded the video lamented the current hot weather, "it's really unbearable (dialect, unbearable)."
a parent said on social media that "it's so stuffy once you enter the classroom" and the head teacher kept pouring water on the floor to cool it down.each child in the classroom had a fan and was fanning themselves. some children were so hot that they put their heads on the was not until a plastic bucket filled with huge ice cubes was placed next to the seats that everyone could calm down and focus on the class.
many other cities in the yangtze river basin also suffered from high temperature "disaster weather" and were unable to hold classes as normal. a parent in changsha, hunan said that students in all primary schools in her district complained that "the weather was too hot and they felt dizzy and wanted to vomit."a parent in wuhan, hubei said that her son had a nosebleed due to the heat at school.
schools in some areas have also had to take measures to suspend classes. for example, on september 2, the education bureau of jiujiang city, jiangxi province, issued an emergency notice that due to the high temperature, public and private primary schools and kindergartens in various places will suspend classes on september 3 in principle, and officially resume classes on september 9. on september 3, yanshan primary school and experimental primary school in furong district, changsha city, hunan province successively issued notices that students will study at home from september 4 to 6.

difficulties in installing air conditioning:

policy, electricity, and funding

is it possible to install air conditioners in all primary and secondary schools?
on september 4, the reporter called the kaifu district education bureau of changsha city, hunan province to inquire why primary schools had not installed air conditioners. staff member li man responded that there were three reasons for not installing air conditioners: first, there was no policy requirement to install air conditioners; second, some schools were not equipped with lines for installing air conditioners, or the voltage capacity was insufficient, making it difficult to install directly; third, there were also some funding issues.
li man said,at present, all primary schools in kaifu district have no air conditioners installed. whether to install air conditioners requires the education department to make a comprehensive assessment.parents’ opinions are not unanimous. “among 10 parents who call us to complain, two or three will disagree with the installation. we need to take everyone’s opinions into consideration.”
staff at changsha kaifu district experimental primary school told reporters that currently there is no unified installation in the entire district, and the education bureau has also approved this in order to cultivate the spirit of hard work and perseverance among primary school the same time, there are some objective factors in the school, and the school's power grid cannot bear such a heavy load.
changsha kaifu district jinying primary school said that the school was built 11 years ago.currently, the school’s voltage capacity and building design do not allow the installation of air conditioners.the school is now on holiday for high temperatures, so whether air conditioners can be installed depends on the deployment of the education bureau.
on the same day, the reporter called the qingyang district education bureau of chengdu city, sichuan province, and the staff said that according to the construction standards for ordinary primary and secondary schools,when the school was originally built, air conditioning for ordinary classrooms was not included in the construction.according to the requirements of campus infectious disease prevention and control, ordinary classrooms need to open windows for ventilation in warm seasons. at present, installing air conditioners requires expanding the school's power supply and renovating the air conditioning dedicated line. this requires special funds from the government and the financial department to complete, and it cannot be solved in a short time. all they can do now is to collect opinions from all parties and report them.
a staff member of tunxi jiangnan experimental primary school in tunxi county, huangshan city, anhui province said,the school is an old campus, and the current power system cannot power air conditioners. if they are installed, the entire power supply will be cut off.
the education bureau of tunxi county, huangshan city, told reporters that it is currently working with the power department.the problem of testing the school's electrical capacity and wiring cannot be resolved quickly.

why is it autumn already?

is the weather in the yangtze river basin still so fierce?

according to today's chengdu weather report,the reason for this round of continuous high temperatures in chengdu is not only the subtropical high pressure, but also the high pressure on the qinghai-tibet plateau.the qinghai-tibet plateau high is formed when the qinghai-tibet plateau is strongly heated by the sun in summer, causing the air on the plateau to rise due to heat. the qinghai-tibet high will further enhance the influence of the subtropical high pressure, causing the temperature to rise further. the double high pressure will make the high temperature weather even hotter.
as of the start of school in september, the sichuan basin has endured more than 20 days of high temperatures. jiemian news reported that throughout august, the average temperature in sichuan province was 2.8℃ higher than the same period of previous years, the second hottest in history, second only to august 2022. on august 31, the sichuan provincial meteorological observatory issued a yellow high temperature warning.

source: dahe daily·yu video comprehensive news, red star news, dafeng news, jinyun, jiemian news
