
14-year-old boy was knocked unconscious by human traffickers, but fortunately he was found and rescued? liaoning yongdian debunks rumors


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on september 4, a video titled "human traffickers have penetrated into rural areas. everyone must protect their children and try not to walk alone. this is a true story. the child is now being treated in the county hospital" attracted attention online.

on september 5, a reporter from the huashang daily dafeng news learned from the yongdian town government and yongdian police station in kuandian manchu autonomous county, dandong city, liaoning province that the video circulating online is a rumor. please do not believe or spread it.

in the video circulating online, in a wechat group called "building new military and civilians", a person named "chasing dreams" left a message: fellow villagers, please pay attention. this morning (september 3), a 14-year-old boy named meng from the third group of tandian was knocked unconscious by a woman and was fished out of a cornfield. he was rescued after being found. fellow villagers, please take good care of your children.

screenshot of the video circulating online

in another group called "tandian village folks group", a person named "a xiuxiu wang xiuwei women's director" @everyone said: everyone may know what happened in our third team this morning. parents with children at home should pay attention and not give bad guys an opportunity to take advantage of them. you must take good care of your children, especially those who are waiting for the bus to go to school. children must not leave your sight. grandparents should pay more attention to their children. the autumn harvest is coming soon at home. there is a lot of work to do and we must not be careless. we must not let the tragedy we see on tv happen to us. remember!!!

screenshot of the video circulating online

is the video circulating online true? on september 5, a staff member of the yongdian town government of kuandian manchu autonomous county, dandong city, liaoning province, told the huashang daily dafeng news reporter that the video circulating online was a rumor and the police were contacting the netizen who posted the video.

"the child is 14 years old. there is indeed such a person. he doesn't like to go to school and ran to the cornfield by himself." the above-mentioned staff of yongdian town government said that after the police found the child, the child told the truth.

a staff member of yongdian police station told the reporter of huashang daily dafeng news that the video circulating online was a rumor. "the villagers did not know the ins and outs of the matter and posted false information in the group. the police have persuaded the relevant personnel. if the matter is true, the public security organs will issue a notice."

"the child is fine and not injured." the above-mentioned staff member of yongdian police station said that the police station is contacting the posters one by one for the false videos posted by netizens and will criticize and educate them according to the law. please do not believe in rumors or spread them.