
the detention court will be held again today. they analyzed: there is a 100% chance that ko wen-je will be detained and not allowed to see anyone.


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people's party chairman ke wenzhe. (photo source: taiwan tvbs), september 5th, taiwan media reported that the people's party chairman and former taipei mayor ke wenzhe was involved in the jinghuacheng case and was previously ordered to return without bail by the taipei district court. however, the taipei district prosecutor's office appealed to the taiwan "high court" after supplementing the evidence on the 3rd. yesterday (4th), the taiwan "high court" revoked the ruling that ke wenzhe was not in bail and sent it back to the taipei district court for modification. the taipei district court decided to reconvene the "detention preparation court" at 9:30 am today.

the taiwan high court believes that according to the confessions of co-defendants peng zhensheng (former deputy mayor of taipei city) and zhu yahu (former "director of the military service bureau" of taipei city), the testimony of witness shao xiupei, the relevant conversation records between zhu yahu and taipei city councilor ying xiaowei, the records of the defendant's personal belongings seized, and the objective circumstances such as zhu yahu's employment by shen qingjing, chairman of taiwan viking group, shen qingjing's serious criminal suspicion of bribing ying xiaowei, and ke wenzhe's active involvement in the jinghuacheng case, it is still necessary to investigate whether ke wenzhe "had no knowledge of the case or no suspicion" as he claimed. the people's party expressed regret for this.

taiwanese media person zhang yuxuan analyzed on the island's political talk show on the 4th that judging from the content of the taiwan "high court"'s ruling, it seems like it is giving instructions to the taipei district court, and every word and sentence may determine ko wen-je's life or death.

zhang yuxuan analyzed that first of all, the ruling wrote, "the confessions of the defendants peng zhensheng and zhu yahu", which is equivalent to identifying peng zhensheng and zhu yahu as defendants. peng zhensheng was accused of "seeking profit" and zhu yahu was accused of "embezzlement and bribery". in addition, the ruling pointed out that the witness shao xiupei testified about the conversation between zhu yahu and ying xiaowei, which means that zhu yahu and ying xiaowei are related to each other. zhang yuxuan said that shen qingjing bribed ying xiaowei first, and then ying xiaowei was related to zhu yahu, and zhu yahu was hired by shen qingjing for the purpose of handling "post-thank you money", and this post-thank you money flow is suspected to involve ke wenzhe's wife chen peiqi, and is also related to ke wenzhe's case.

wu zijia, chairman of taiwan's formosa daily, also asserted that the chances of ko wen-je being detained and denied access to visitors are as high as 100%, because the taipei district prosecutors office has two winning cards, shen qingjing and peng zhensheng. "both of these cards will surrender!" wu zijia believes, "shen qingjing will definitely turn against us. if he doesn't, the taipei district prosecutors office will definitely keep him in prison for the full term, and peng zhensheng will definitely bite ko wen-je!"

according to taiwanese media reports, ke wenzhe walked out of his house at 7:10 this morning, looking calm and smiling. when he saw the large number of media waiting, he said, "this is too exaggerated." however, ke wenzhe did not answer any questions about jinghua city, and got in his car and left. it is understood that he first went to his personal office in the taiwan glass building and will go to the taipei district court later.