
relying on "one team and three centers", this unit builds a "bridge of connection" between the shore and the sea for officers and soldiers


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the crew team of a naval base in the northern theater command relies on "one team and three centers"——
build a bridge between shore and sea
■ sui yifan pei yuan sun huayu
"the 'one-stop' service provided by the rear service support team is fast and warm, and it makes us feel the warmth of the big family of the army." not long ago, wu huiping, a family member of jin guochao, a cadre of a boat crew team at a naval base in the northern theater command, received a call after she moved into a newly renovated apartment. she learned that the agency had helped them handle the family member accompanying the army while her husband was on a mission with the boat. a few days later, she learned that her employment problem had also been solved by the organization.
"the crew members have been drifting on the sea for a long time, and they are under great physical and mental pressure. solving their worries can allow everyone to devote themselves to the mission and training without distraction." the leaders of the base introduced that their previous research found that the party committee organs mostly provided work guidance, single coordination, and periodic assistance in terms of rear support, psychological counseling, legal aid, and motivation and inspiration. to a certain extent, there are problems of single-line, fragmented, and random work. in order to build a "bridge of communication" between the shore and the sea and make the officers and soldiers feel the warmth of the organization, they continued to consolidate and deepen the results of the construction of the "three environments", integrate advantageous resources, and establish a "one team and three centers" including the rear support team for mission officers and soldiers, the psychological service center, the legal consultation center, and the news and publicity center, so that the service work for soldiers is more grid-based, integrated, and standardized.
"my whole family has been worried about this, and i am very grateful for the organization's help." not long ago, long wei, a corporal in the crew team who was preparing for the full training assessment, learned that his family had a dispute with neighbors over the homestead issue, so he tried to seek help from the base's legal consultation center. after understanding the situation, the relevant personnel immediately visited the site, investigated and collected evidence, and properly resolved the homestead dispute of the soldier's family. recently, long wei performed well in the full training assessment task with the boat and was named "deep sea cavalry star."
the author learned that in order to improve the quality and efficiency of psychological services, they actively adapted to the psychological characteristics and changing patterns of officers and soldiers in the new era, established a three-level psychological service linkage and assistance mechanism, and carefully created a modern psychological service venue that integrates psychological education, assessment, consultation, counseling, decompression, and prevention. they introduced modular and intelligent psychological service equipment, and regularly invited military and local psychological experts to sit in on-site for consultations, making the psychological service center a "spiritual station" for officers and soldiers in their spare time.
xiao zhang, a private in the crew, had a drowning experience when he was a child, and he was a little scared during the escape training. "mental illness" needs "mental medicine" to treat it. full-time psychological counselor rao xuemin established a mental health file for him in time, and helped him to resolve his mental knots and relieve stress through psychological counseling interviews, intelligent vr training, psychological sand table counseling, etc., and successfully overcome psychological obstacles. later, xiao zhang passed the assessment and successfully stayed in the team and was promoted to sergeant.
the pressure is reduced and the burden is released effectively, while the efficiency is increased and the ability is strengthened. while letting the officers and soldiers feel the care of the organization, enjoy the policy dividends, and unload the ideological burden, they use the news and publicity center as a platform to "set benchmarks, show style, highlight, and create brands", actively publicize the troops' characteristic work practices, advanced typical deeds, and post meritorious service style, etc., and create a good atmosphere for striving to be underwater pioneers.
in a corner of whale harbor, an educational micro-video originally created by the base's underwater pioneer studio was being screened, and the crew members gathered around to watch it. the video truly presented every detail of the submarine soldiers' underwater life, and it aroused a warm response as soon as it was played.
"the outstanding deeds of squad leader huang jinglei are a vivid portrayal of submarine soldiers in the new era." recently, after the story of huang jinglei, a third-class sergeant major of the crew team, was broadcast, his comrades were deeply moved and called him a "super doctor" who protects the submarine's neural network. the author learned that a large number of online publicity products shot and produced by the backbone of the base are now loved by comrades, and everyone has been educated and inspired by what they see and hear.
the upper and lower levels work together to solve problems and unite their hearts and minds to fight. encouraged by a number of heartwarming service measures such as "one team and three centers", the officers and soldiers of the base have devoted themselves to the research and planning of war. not long ago, the crew team went to unfamiliar waters to carry out simulated attack and defense exercises, set up confrontation environment conditions close to actual combat, and fought against "strong enemies", and many combat methods were tested.
source: china military network-people's liberation army daily